Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Maybe *shrug* I’m open
I love Christmas

Along with a couple Christmas songs
What’s your Holiday playlist?
I love Candy Cane lane I can’t st0p—

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  • Here comes Santa Claus here comes Santa Claus right down psychopath lane If you see him don't go near him ,he's a little insane Children screaming,parents dreaming everything gonna go right So lock your doors and start a fire because Santa Claus is comin tonight

  • Deck the halls with eyeballs and dollies falalalalalalalaa

  • Sybarristal Orchestra Ilovetheirsongshush

  • I love Christmas too— I listen to sweater weather and All I Want For Christmas all the time xD Or just any Christmas bop rlly xD

I need ur opinion on this

“Yes Dad, I’m not going”
I was all dolled up, with black suspenders and a nice dark blue dress shirt. I had an all out war with Mom to wear my suspenders and not that stupid old frilly froo-froo dress that my Grandma got me ages ago. I heard slightly lighter footsteps come up the stairs. Mom stood in Dads shadow with that look that made you stand up straight in your seat
“Let’s go”
Before I could protest, Dad was leaving, both of their dark skins blended with the shadows. I took a deep breath -and not wanting to be bratty- I puffed up my fro and and left my gear dappled room.
Our city that always seemed to be rainy, which was kinda ironic because our city looked like a bunch of books piled high on each sides, comic books being like graffiti, old leathery ones with cream colored pages being the old buildings that old ladys live in. It was great to get outside again, seeing the neon jungle fly around me in a night buzz, smelling the rain smelling air. That was a big change from metal and old books.

After the avalanche of guests rumbled in, I spotted Bronx’s blue-grey eyes and her British accent that always reminded me of lace. I guess she heard my thick Australian accent too, she perked when I started talking.
When we collided, my lace golden lace gloves -my favorite pair- wrapped around her like a viper, and I felt like my trillions of golden freckles were glowing. She looked very slightly -and my that I mean very- winded from walking up three flights of marble stairs. I was wearing the necklace she got me, the tiger necklace that made stars look dim. It matched my “fiery orange hair” as she called it. She was wearing her elk one I got her in Australia, which warmed my heart. Then Charlie showed up, with his chemilian pin, surrounded in leaves.
“Well, he’s back from the dead” I commented.
“Like a grave could hold him down” Bronx softly half smiled.
If my heart could get any warmer, I would get diagnosed with a fever.

Sorry, just a quick shower thought, all of our eyes match our personalities! I have emerald eyes, Bronx has blue grey eyes, and Piper has amber eyes, I mean really.
Ok, anyway, on with the story. I adjusted my round glasses, brushing some of my cats hair off of my dark skin, and fixed my newly buzzed sides and dreads. My Mom rolled her eyes at me.
“Charlie, you aren’t gonna be a ladies man no matter how hard you try” She towered over me.
She did that really annoying thing that moms do, when she fixes your tie, straightens your suit, all that jazz. I really wanted to wear my kilt, but she just glared at me like she used to when Pop was around.
Then, I thought I was seeing things when my eyes lingered across the dance floor and saw Athena and Bronx dancing! I soon joined them, and faster than the cake was gone, we were having a great time on the balcony! And then guess what? I spilled red punch, on my white shirt. That was fun.

Soon after we cleaned up the ‘murder evidence’ from Charlie's’ shirt, the parade of gifts came strolling along. I totally forgot why we were having this big ol’ fancy party in the first place until -I could almost see the light bulb beam above my head- I remembered it was Ma’s birthday today! After all those really long fancy boring speeches that adults do, when they clink the glasses so loud you just expect it to shatter into a million trillion pieces. We opened gifts after that, a tsunami of wrapping paper flooded all over the room. Bronx’s dad gave her some perfume, Charlie's mom gave her a ring that was too skinny to fit on Moms fat finger. She hated Charlies and his moms Scottish accent the whole time, so the awkwardness was thicker than the cake filling. After the guests trickled out the door like honey you see in those Cheerios commercials, Me and, as Mr. Lindin, our German neat freak librarian would say, ‘za two other musketeers’ met up. Thank the Lord we did, I did NOT want to get smothered by Dad.

I turned to Piper, grinning as she stopped rambling about a gecko she saw.
“What is it?” She giggled in her jocular tone.
I tucked my hair behind my ears, being awkward.
“Yesterday I was with Charlie, at Mr. Lindins Library” I began
“Yes?! Annndddd?”
Also feel free to ask questions

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  • It's really damn good

  • >Anon It’s an incomplete draft of a story, I still need to Finnish typing the thing

  • >Anon Will do mate! This is just a rough draft after all, so, not quite done! Also, why do you ask?

Ok, I’m sorry

Last night, I fell asleep on everyone around 11:30pm
That was kinda a dick move, sorry
But, let me explain
Long story short my Dads a Dipstick and yea, so he hinted that he would come and check on me in the night (that bastard, also like wtf I’m not 8)
So everytime I heard footsteps coming, I hopped in my bed and pretended to sleep
I was so busy fake sleeping, I fell asleep dammit
But, to make up for it, I got up at 5:00am to be on here until 8:15ish

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  • Oh that's horrible

  • It's okay, don't worry uwu)/

  • lol that happens to me all the time

  • Don't worry, I fell asleep on bebe last night while we were messaging ;w;