Ima do a pfp I said before
You can do any of my past ocs, but you have to do those from memory bcs I'm not going to post them again
I would prefer Babi so ...yeah
Dead line is 21st
Please tell me if you're done...
Winners get
1st place: any request or adopt
2nd: Special adopt
3rd: small adopt
I might change the prizes later sorry

Pen tablet
iPad Pro
What you eat when hungry
Future goals
Be an animator
Hi there! My name is Babi,let me tell you a bit bout myself!❤
( How to pronounce name: "bae-bee ")
I'm 4 years old and I LOVE to eat fruit!
My favorite kind of fruit is a strawberry or a raspberry, I enjoy both.
I want to make friends with everyone and make them happy!
I have a fear of needles and cans ( like tincans that hold chili)
I also love music,warm things,and fruits!
Oh wait I said that hehe sorry😅 I want to learn about the world even though people say it's scary! I forget things quite a bit ... But if ya just remind me I'll be happy to help!
I'm usually nervous and worried about something, but when I am I have my favorite hat/ beanie to make me feel better
If you want to be my friend just say so!❤
( Note from StarFall , this is the oc I'm doing for my pfp contest but I'll post and official thing about that later )
> ѕтαяfαℓℓ He*
> CoffeeGhost Is a boi...
*pet pet* She kwotie
Have any cute ideas for pastel colors?'s for somfin special
You could do flower pastels or beach pastels. Something cute and simple.
Just Think of a vibe or aesthetic you wanted to get off, you should be able to get sum colors. And after that, say you think of pastel earthy colors. You could just search up sunflower aesthetic and get some pretty good pallets from there. That’s what I do 80% of the time
> ѕтαяfαℓℓ oh, sorry. I'm an idiot. :p
> GalacticPetal What I mean is if anyone has a link to like a cute pastel palette or color's ok thanq anyway
Ima do some requests...idk guys sorry I'm bored and I have nothing to draw so .....yeah anyway probably gonna try to do 3 idk ? I want to try some different styles of art and hope fully stick with one of them
To get a request you must know.....what one of my favorite books is or movie / show....also say your favorite imaginary creature? NOT A FCFS
> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle What colors?
> CoffeeGhost Done!
> ѕтαяfαℓℓ The bird you draw in whiteboards Babi
> CoffeeGhost> CoffeeGhost> CoffeeGhost> CoffeeGhost Wait...what are you asking me to draw? Ima little confused
Uhhhhhh....hey I need a new pfp so I'm going to do pfp contest I can join if you want
I'm not sure what I want as the pfp....any ideas?? :/
> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle Hmmm ok I will think about it
Uh, you can have ye main oc’s all in it, I’ve done it before. Problem is it gets crowded... whatever ya think of though I would love to join, might take me bit longer to finish
It’s all about the aesthetics man Joinin
I would do an Oc buttttt I can't get any pics
Raptarchild wawr!
Aw, I was asleep
> Frosted_Flake WAAAAAWR!!! 7:3
> mσσnrαccσσn WAWR
> Frosted_Flake> Frosted_Flake I am smol raptargrapejuicechild 7:D
If you have any other suggestions tell me please!
starshadow or moonraccon
Moon Raccoon
If I left and made a new account would you guys still follow me? Idc if you wouldn't but I just wanna know bcs I kinda wanna...just so I can clear the shit
I followed ^^
yes If I knew what the accounts name was
...that's what im doin
Yeah of course!
Hiiiii....I'm bored.....
Gosh guys I'm almost at 200followers! Like 36 more to go! ( ok not that close to 200) but I wanted to say thank you ALL for the support i get from you guys! ❤ it makes me feel happy that people enjoy my shitty art! :D
It’s not shitty! AND CONGRATULATIONS CHILD!!!!!!
Cgrats! :D
CONGRATS!!!! youhavemprefollowersthanme
*gives up anyway*
I’m bored sitting here waiting for my sisters doctors appointment to be down and I have no one to talk to was everybody’s day? :D
Also this is my puppy ( he’s older now this was just him as a baby)
aww adorable
A W W SmOl pupper
> TitanPega Idk it looked normal at first now its...idk !!
What the heck is happening to Bongo cat?
My two moods
I wasn't feeling so good because I'm under a bit of stress about school,and other cra p that's happening in my life
Sorry if I worried you guys or hurt you ....I had some friends at home help me feel better ❤ thank you to you guys that tried to help me too
So I'm yeah anyways I'm bored and I think I'm missing school today so any one want to draw with me?
It's all cool bro. I feel the same way sometimes just never ever force us to lie about you.
You're *
Your forgiven !
I will. (Forgiven, friend)
Pourquoi suis-je si triste?
I dunno bro
Yo no sé, pero espero que tu sientas mejor.
Pourquoi es-tu triste? Pourquoi es-tu énervé? Quand tu pourrais être ... Glade
> ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ Ɽ₳ł₦ Tell me , if you can`t draw , then how was this made ?
Bro what happened? Like what's with the poll? No one is gonna vote on this unless they are a dumbass or just like voting in polls. I get it, you gotta vent. But don't make a poll that's forcing us to say you're a shitty artist cause you're not.
Rain, why are you going anon? :( your art is good
Best post of 2018
I have no idea who that is
Use that and make an announcement
> ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ Ɽ₳ł₦ Oof, aye. I’ll try settin one up
> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle Pfff I'm sorry I'm laughing so hard right now because of what you said 😆😂
Plus tôt j'ai un peu menti parce que j'ai dit que j'ai besoin de quelque chose à dessiner, mais je ne voulais pas dessiner... Personnages de quelqu'un Désolé, je voulais avant tout juste comme une chose/idée de tirer des idées Désolé ou des trucs idk je m'ennuie et je n'ai rien à faire
> CoffeeGhost Not really took me like 10 mins to make sur e it all translat ed correctly for what I was saying CD it was kind a annoying
> ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ Ɽ₳ł₦ Google knows all
> *•.♡> *•.♡ 👌
Does anyone have tips on how to do dragon anatomy? I’m so bad at drawing and I’ve been try to do a semi cute style? Eh I suck at drawing..... -^-
Um. Start with 2 circles, one smaller. Then draw a curvy line connecting them, so the smaller is the snoot area. Then... more curvy lines. That's how I do my dragooos.
> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle Oh your art is amazing I just wish I could draw... :'(
I can try drawin somethin
> *•.♡ 🇩🇪🇱🇹🇦 ♡.•*> *•.♡ 🇩🇪🇱🇹🇦 ♡.•* It's ok ❤
Bonjour mes amis! Je n'ai rien à dessiner...Envoyez-moi des demandes!( closed sorry)
> ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ Ɽ₳ł₦ No.... But I can post an unshaded version
> Frosted_Flake Huuuuu um possibly do you have a ref sheet?
> ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ Ɽ₳ł₦ Can you draw Damien and Scout
> ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ Ɽ₳ł₦ I know.. I was being silly.
Ok does anyone have any tips on drawing dragons?! I'm so screwed right now try to draw a ref sheet and it's like midnight...UGGGGH MY ART IS SHET!!!
Thanks guys
Draw the outline then the scales (it still works no outline) Sorry if this doesn’t work, I’m not too good at drawing dragons either, AND YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!!!!!
I got nothing Isuckatdrawingdragons
Hmm maybe not that useful, but I like to create a custom brush with a scale pattern. That saves me time and adds alot of detail.
My mom won't let me open any of my presents until after cake which is at 7:30!! -∆-
I really want to open them now 😢
Happy Birthday!! :’0 I think I’m late TwT...
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Uhhhh ok 😅
Happy Bday!!
Does anyone else still have stuff animals? ...or is it just me because I miss my childhood...
> The3third3 Same bro
> - Passion-Sock - Oh sank you :3
That was fun UwU
> CoffeeGhost :( ok
I won't be able to join
A pizza is circle and we eat the pizza from the middle of the pizza because of how we cut it...
My mind is blown( I'm probably an idiot for only just realizing this)
This is the same for pies and sometimes cakes ...
O shoot
My birthday is on national ( in us i think) vanilla cupcake day... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apparently my birthday is on National Cheeseburger Day, Sept. 18th x,D
Meh birthday is on national chocolate day
WHA- Minesonafamousperson'sone
The irony of “cake” tho xD
I'm not sure if I'm staying....just idek
But heyyyyy join me i guess....
> TheOneAndOnlyDoodle I saw it it's very noice 👌 :3
Pssst, I drew something again
I feel like everything is broken
Everyone is so sad and broken on medi bang I might leave for good this time
Im sorry you feel we are taking over medibang... 😩
> The3third3> The3third3> The3third3> The3third3 Gotta agree with 'chu
Well, I can’t make you stay but I’m not sad. I’m pretty happy. I’m not broken. There are some of us who aren’t sad...
Wat? Nononononononono that's not true
I love all the beautiful art everyone drew on whiteboard!❤
It's all so amazing!! :3
> Cavavos4 Oh...okie
> 🔹 ⭐૨αเɳรƭα૨⭐🔹 OK I got it ^^
> Cavavos4 What do you mean? Do you mean like create/ start your own or?....
> ѕтαяfαℓℓ Oh ok, thank u! ^^
> TinyCY No you can join! That's cool! I only really have one at the moment...
Mm...can I join l? °^° I don’t rlly know u or your OCs well so if u don’t want me to join that’s fine UwU)b
I wanna do this - If I have time, I am definitely joining