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I'm taking request FOR EVERYBODY

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I'm taking request FOR EVERYBODY
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Sweet Boi (Ink version)
\\-{Question and Ask} with the Artist and Star-//
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themed FCFS adoptables repost! (desc)
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Omg my children-- my fAMILY
I haven't been felling myself and really insecure of my self. I might post a lot of vents for the two days I'm on..
That's not all I have to say..But ya know I'm too lazy to remember-
I'll see if I'm in better spirits tomorrow
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I’m not gonna post art that much
Might do a backstory fer me oc’s idk
Btw me style’s changed a bit and all me art’s gonna be traditional
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Mybe I've come back mybe I havent
Tbh i don't care about anyone on this app
And I have problems
I enjoy your suffering
Also sushi(tm) is weird and annoying
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Most of these don't have names, so imma just number them (and i used prompts for sone of them as well)
I never believed they existed, but this one's staring right at me.
The cold wind whipped at my fave as I stepped outside my apartment complex. I shivered and rubbed my arms together, apparently the 2 sweaters, pair of gloves, 4 layers of socks and my warmest beanie had not been enough for this harsh winter that i had stepped into. Though i wish i could turn around and go back inside, i was running low on food and supplies. My boots crunched the snow as i nade my way down the path that was encrusted into my mind. My head was ducked low as i made my way through the woven streets of the city, passing a coin or to to those huddled by the street.
When i saw lights by my feet i looked up, i was at my destination, the store... More or less it was a CVS (*le cough* not sponsored), but there's enough random things like food, apparel, and medicine that it'll do for my haul. Where else is there to go? A fresh sandwhich would only last a day or two, the fruit stand's not out, and everywhere else is to far to walk. I walked through the isles, picking out things i deemed fit into ny bags, when i was done I slapped the appropriate amount of money on the counter (which no one was at) and started heading back home.
The walk back was a bit more tedious, as i was wearing a backpack and 2 large bags filled with supplies that should last me till the end of this frozen Winter. Suddenly i triped over something, weather it be a pebble or a foot, i tripped. As i was making sure i wasn't leaving anything behind, a woman held some boxes out to me. I was taken aback by her action, even more so when i saw what she was wearing. The woman had on khaki jeans and a navy blue tee-shirt.
Wanting to return the favor, ince everything was picked up I tapped on her shoulder. When she looked up i reached my hand out to her, she seemed surprised but took it. I placed a hand on her back and retracted it when she flinched, looked and saw the back of her shirt was covered in blood and kind of lumpy. Placing my hand on a different spot on her back i helped her, with all of my supplies hobble back to me apartment.
I sat her down on the couch, giving her a warm drink, a blanket as well as some clothes. When I came back from putting my things away, i saw she was wrapped in the blanket, had the drink in hand but had not touched the clothes. For a moment I'm confused, then i remember the blood that was on her back and abruptly stood up scaring her. I muttered a quick sorry, and went to my small room. In which i have some left over medical equipment when i was training to be a doctor. I picked them up and went back to the living room.
When i got back, i tapped her shoulder, and motioned ti her back. Unspoken words are said and she knows what i want to do. With my medical scissors, i cut down the back of her shirt. Revealing wings, broken and battered. But i could tell what she was, through the blood, you could see oure white. The pure white wings of an angel.
I had never believed that they had existed, even when many mythical creatures l8ke vampires, witches, demons, and selkies came out to the public not long ago. I had always believed that they were nirmal humans, pretending to be something else. But right here, is an angel looking over her shoulder to see what i do net. So without missing a beat i grab some antibacterial wipes abd start to fix her wings.
Ow my fingers...
Anywho, I wanted this story to have no names and no character dialogue, just thoughts
And i hoped that i accomplished that
My fingers hurt...
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Heyo! I'm still alive ^^'
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Remember that episode of magic school bus where arnold fucking died
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some more reposted adopt
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MS/YS yayy (say if ur doing it and when u finish!)
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Heyo! I'm still alive ^^'
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Heyo! I'm still alive ^^'
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Palette adopt time :p (Read Desc)
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💜Art Trade with 💜{Locket the Skeleton}💜
💜Art Trade with 💜{Locket the Skeleton}💜
I hope you get better man. We’re all here for you
aw I’m sorry I hope you feel better soon