Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Medibang is a toxic ass place and I want to fucking leave. I’m only staying because this is my only connection with Kayla. If I had her number or something, I would’ve lefr a long fucking time ago.
ArtsiePie is a toxic ass bitch, and she needs to shut the fuck up. Just because she did her fucking part in a collab doesn’t mean she needs to fucking go off on someone for doing the same thing. I think I see the problem and it’s that ArtsiePie had drawn her’s in the second slot, then Unknown did it in the second slot too. Hey ArtsiePie! Ever thought of the fact that people work SLOWER than you? Yeah! Maybe Unknown took a screenshot of it before you posted yours, started working on theirs, and then posted it after you. You have NO FUCKING RIGHT to go off on her. So shut your toxic ass up, and get your fucking facts straight.
The people that follow Nightfur are all toxic. Scrolling through Nightfur’s account was horrible. It was like one rude comment after the other. Nothing against Nightfur and their art, but everything against almost all of their followers.
The anonymous button NEEDS to go away. What the fuck is the point of having it? That’s like a one way ticket towards drama and havoc. GET FUCKING RID OF IT MEDIBANG JFC
No good artists ever get on the popular page. Maybe once or twice I’ve seen some legitimate great art. The rest is fucking hentai and yaoi or however the fuck you spell it. ITS DISGUSTING OKAY!!! That’s what 4chan and Reddit is for! MB is a place for ART, not for some horny ass’s wet dreams and thoughts drawn out onto paper. It’s gross and I don’t want to see boobs, pussies, dicks or anyone having sex on my popular page. Just put actually good artists on the popular page Medi, easy as that. Then nobody would be harping on your ass.
$80 is way to fucking much for a hoodie. Yes, I’m still mad about this. I know Sean and Mark worked on it for almost an entire year, but $80 FUCKING DOLLARS?!? That’s enough money to buy a whole new outfit! And I’m sure it’s quality material, but every hoodie that says it’s quality material shrinks in the wash after the first time, and loses it’s color/print the next. I get that it’s a brand, and that it’s not merch. But I just think $80 is a little pricey for a hoodie.

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  • > 🍫☯ArtsiePie☯🍰 No it didn't and im sorry that happened to you but it also isn't OK for you to do something like that

  • > Cavavos4 What I did, did not make it okay for any of them to harass me on multiple posts of mine. I deleted a lot of what the people were saying because it caused me so much anxiety that I was still shaking hours after they harassed me.

  • > 🍫☯ArtsiePie☯🍰 all she is saying is that you did something completely uncalled for and no one expected you would react that way to a simple mistake

  • > Lacunatik (gone) It was a comment. How is that showing anything?

Lacunatik (gone) left a comment!


I’m taking however many I want to so don’t get upset if I don’t do yours. Also, if yours it too complicated, I’m more than likely not gonna do it

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  • Can you draw Robin for me? I'll get the link hold on one sec...

  • Laffey from Azur Lane? :3

  • though if that's hard then Unzi would be a easier choice qwq


I’m taking however many I want to so don’t get upset if I don’t do yours. Also, if yours it too complicated, I’m more than likely not gonna do it

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  • Can you draw Robin for me? I'll get the link hold on one sec...

  • Laffey from Azur Lane? :3

  • though if that's hard then Unzi would be a easier choice qwq

. . .

So... I’ve come down to this.
I believe Zander isn’t coming back.
I believe she is gone forever.
I belive me saying this is stupid but,,
I can’t having a persona of mine and me actually be hurt over someone who is absent.
I know it sounds harsh.
I know it sounds like I don’t care about her or Zander anymore.
I do, okay?
But, Callum and I can’t keep trying. We’ve been trying since September 4, and it’s been a month and a half since then.
I’ve given up home.
Callum has too.
I made Callum move on
Or try to at least.
Down below is a rough sheet of the first movement out of six or ten. Idk how many there actually will be, this is iust my guess.
And yes, I made them humans because I don’t know how to draw furries

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  • I miss Zander.... and I don’t blame you..

  • *looking for a lock* Damnit where is one


A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts.
So... he loses touch with reality, and lives in a world of illusions.
By thoughts I mean specifically, chatter in the skull.
Perpetual and compulsive repetition of words, of reckoning and calculating. I'm not saying that thinking is bad.
Like everything else,
It's useful in moderation.
A good servant, but a bad master.
And all so-called civilized peoples have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive.
Because through excessive thinking they have lost touch with reality.
That's to say...
We confuse signs, with the real world...

This is the beginning of the meditation.

Most of us would have rather money than tangible wealth.
And a great occasion is somehow spoiled for us unless photographed.
And to read about it the next day in the newspaper, is oddly more fun for us than the original event. This is a disaster...
For as a result of confusing the real world of nature with mere signs, we are destroying nature. We are so tied up in our minds that we've lost our senses.
Time to wake up.
What is reality? Obviously... no one can say.
Because it isn't words.
It isn't material, that's just an idea.
Reality is...
The point cannot be explained in words.
I'm not trying to put you down.
It's an expression of you as you are.
One must live...
We need to survive to go on...
We must go on.

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  • I get it, the world is starting to splinter But, thinkings good, this we should Enter. In the end, all of the cons will somehow effect the planet It’s not like we’re looking at a pomegranate... As you said, we must go on It might turn out to be a phenomenon


??: How are you?
Oh I’m doing okay
??: That’s good
I know
It’s getting colder
The golden rays of sunshine hit me less and less
I’m starting to feel isolated
And cold
Like Antartica
??: Do you need to talk about anything Cass?
??: I’ve noticed your shoulders are slumping a bit more
There’s nothing to really talk about
My head hits the pillow
And I’m afraid to wake up
It’s getting harder and harder
Without the sun to be there for me
I forced myself to clean my room today
Only because I had company
The trash pile in the corner of my room was tempting to join
??: But hey! Hanging out with friends can help!
I guess
Unless they hate your guts
??: People love you and your company! You’re so bubbly!
Only in the summer
??: It will go away eventually
But then it will come back
Then go away
Come back
Go away
Come back
Go away
Come back
Go away
Sounds just like my thoughts

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  • Winters my favorite season bITCH *cough* Heh... sending help