Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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My afternoon

So I came home from school
Got ready for softball
And my friend came to pick me up
And I realized almost right when she got there
I left my cleats in my moms car .-.
so my mom had to rush all the way home
And then we went to the game xD
We weren’t that late, thank the Oof
nOw gAmE tImE
Let’s just say I tripped over my own foot and didn’t make it to first base after I hit the ball the first time :’)
I was fine, I just think my hip is bruised ^^;
Then I got a few good hits and base running and blah blah blah
Then I got to go to Panera Bread and got me some Mac and cheese
Ive never had their Mac and cheese ever so it was super good!!
Then I went to get frozen yogurt and then to target we went :D
I saw one of my friends there and then I asked my grandma if I can stay at her house tn and she said yes! :D
So yeah
And yes I have school tm, sadly

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So, I’m reworking on my Bekoras (original adopts by me) and *cOuGh* their whole design is changing so. It’s not like anyone cares because absolutely NOBODY tried for the first ever adopt I did of them, soo. Idek why I’m wasting my time on drawing something that won’t be used. Same goes for the mochi raptors and fishies (not my custom designs). But??? It’s just angering. Anyways, I’m working on that. If anyone wants a custom Bekora, just give me 3 reasons why and if you’ll actually use them. I’m gonna be super mad if you don’t use them, because I spent a long time on developing a story (which I have to change now) and design. So yeet. If you have a certain pallet you’d like to use for them, just post it on your MySpace or something. Idk
(1st pic is a rough draft)
Also, math is heccin hard

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  • I want one—

  • I didn't see dem But they LOOK SO COOTTT

  • Oof

Day 3

Prompt: Eye Candy & Poison
Story: Half cyborg, half human. He lures people in with his looks (and “love potion”), then kills them later on in the night. It works more than half of the time
Materials: Micro-Line .35mm, Micro-Line .5mm, Micro-Line Red .35mm, Micro-Line Green .35mm
Time taken: 15 minutes
I kept getting distracted while drawing this xD so that’s why it’s not that good

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  • I love the stories u put along with these :3 I also love the drawings ^w^

  • He one evil boi

Oof ouch

I’m not doing good mentally :T
But, I hope things will get betters
I really need them to.
Or else.
I might.
Just kee on crying.
Because I already tried to die.
And that didn’t work well.
Cause here I am.
Still alive.
I snapped at a lot of my friends today.
And then said sorry.
Then I argued with myself some more.
And more.
Until I was pulling on my hair and hurting myself (by pulling on my hair).

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  • <3

  • Omg.... I wish I was there to hug you... GOD DAMN THIS SCREEN!!... I love you and I hope everything gets better.. And I’ll always be here for you no matter what

  • Hey Cass I'm always here if you need help I'm sorry today was hard...

  • I'm here..

Lacunatik (gone) left a comment!

Today was fun

Literally everyone shipping me with Kadan .-.
Justice: Well, ur both tall and Kadans dumb and ur smart
Jordan: Ur both tall and ur smart and he’s not
Cool, I don’t give a shit
I won’t date him
I don’t like him at all xD
He even said, “Nothing against Mikayla but no.”
lIkE tF?!
Since when is he nice?!
o o f
Now everyone else at school is saying they ship it .-.
Like my teacher was switching seats in Social Studies and she moved Kadan to the front then I was moved to where Kadan was sitting so Justice had to be a jackass and kept saying, “Mikayla’s in her boyfriends seatttt!”
People think I like him bc whenever someone like “Mikayla and Kadan” or “they’re perfect for eachother”
I smile and laugh
Bc I think it’s funny but I don’t like him xD
plUs I have Cass uwu
This guy was in my class last year and he’s staring at me at least once when we go to lunch
and today when we were leaving school and waiting for our bus (my bus was late, no surprise there)
And Nick walks by and somehow his damn backpack latched onto mine
I was so confused o-o
Avia: Oo!! Nick like Mikayla!!
Then Avia unnattached our bags and followed Nick to ask him if he liked me xD
Then she ran back over to wait for the bus xD
He never answered a yes or no so—

o o f

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Want some spooky songs for October? Well then you’re in luck, cause I’ve got a list for you!
Literally any Blood Wolf song. You can find them on Spotify, YouTube, and I’m sure Pandora
TRKRTRT - I don’t remember the artist name, but you can find them on YouTube
Sink or Swim (Original Mix) - I JUST REMEMBERED it’s Castor Troy, you can find it on Spotify and YouTube
Oof I thought I had more xD but Blood Wolf has a loooott of spoopy songs, so you can check them out

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  • I'll look these spooky songs up! Thanks. :)

  • thank you

  • Thankz uwu)b now I can work on my next Goretober entry(?)


My heart is hurting
My life isn’t going so great right now
My friends are causing drama
My heart is aching because of it
Nobody will get along
The group is being split into two because of drama
Ethan isn’t doing good
He’s sick
And he’s low on money
Which means he won’t have enough food
Or water
And he won’t have a house maybe
I just...
I’m scared for him
I just wanna win the fucking lottery
For him
My heart is hurting

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  • I hope everything gets better about Ethan’s situation..

  • I promise things will get better soon..we always have a battle to fight but soon we win that battle..things will take time..if you need someone to vent to, I’m always here. drawing vents definitely help..try as best as you can to comfort Ethan as well, I want both of you to be okie *sends hugs*

  • praying for Ethan and you

Lacunatik (gone) left a comment!

Lacunatik (gone) left a comment!

Lacunatik (gone) left a comment!

Day 1

InkGoreber? Idk how to mash them together
Promt: Swift and Bruises
Story: Girl running from abusive father
Materials Used: Micro-Line .5mm, .35mm, GellyRoll 08, and smudger (what’s the actual name for that?
Time taken: 30 minutes
I was thinking about NOT doing today since I’m so tired, but I’ve been fighting with my mind all day, and we came to an agreement to draw because why not? I’ve seriously been arguing with myself all day out loud... I think I’m going crazy, seriously.

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  • Plz take a break tho Q-Q

  • Bootiful:3 Also I’m here to talk luv ;3;

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