イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

2 時間 / 日
気ままにやってます。 I'm a little busy but idk

So, last night, something happened. I’m going to call them audible hallucinations. I was laying in my bed, and then I heard a voice that sounded like my mom and it said “Disappointed” and it echoed. Then a bit later, I heard another voice. I don’t remember what it said, but it was make and kept like.. echoing throughout my ears I guess? It was weird.


  • > @LaZyLawless_ Ye ;w;

  • I also hear voices, it happens everyday though so it's kinda normal It's pretty scary huh? Especially in the middle of the night

  • You didn't tell me about the second time!!! Also, I hear voices in my head too sometimes, but they only happen when I move my head and I think it's the wind in my ears. It only lasts a split second.... so if you have those... just letting you know

  • Something like that happens to me too, I always here my mom saying my name and it echos. Meh idk weirrd


What do you guys think is “signature” about my art?
And what do you guys hate about my art?


  • The "left leaning" tendency.

  • There's something about how you shade. It looks kind of like you airbrushed it (Digitalart; not all of your work, but most of what I've seen has this kind of shading.) I don't hate it, but I think there are better techniques you could use. Whether you want to add shading or not is up to you though.

  • > GalacticPetal Thank you for the advice. ^^

  • Something I think is very signature is the way you draw bodies. There is nothing I hate, but I think the face could be moved up on the head just a little bit.


•pick a number and I’ll answer them honestly•
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice


  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan okie

  • > AshuLykoi928 Yeah it's a trend thing going around on here

  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan Also can I copy this and also do it?

  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan T~T

  • > Pasteli Some of the things I've said to myself, and some of the things my friends have said to me. It was in the past though. I've forgiven them. It still haunts me though..

  • But the most important question is.. WHO IS SAYING THAT TO YOU?!

  • Accalia......... you’re... you’re such a great person.... Sometimes I feel like... I shouldn’t have online frieands.... But... You’re one of the people that makes me happy here.... You make a lot of us feel good... You make a lot of us want to stay here... I’m happy you’re here.... You’re such a great person....

  • Listen to me. You are an amazing person. People who bring you down don’t deserve you. Honestly, I don’t deserve you. You deserve way better than me. But I’m here for you. No matter what.


Everybody’s just lying to me
I’m not perfect
I’m not helpful
I’m not beautiful
I’m not amazing
I’m not good enough
And I’ll never be
Just let me die


  • Please don’t...

  • We dont just tell you that carelessly! We say that because you mean something to us. And I'm sorry I don't pay attention to you. But you have some amazing art, and probably animation too. Not everyone is perfect. And we all never will be. We just have to keep trying and we have to accept the way things are.

  • You're not perfect. We're all not perfect. But you are helpful You are beautiful, inside and out You are amazing in so many ways You are, you truly are good enough Ad yeah, you'll never be perfect, but you're already everything else So no, I won't just let you die. No thank you.

  • I won't let you die even if it kills me

I'm just gonna.. oof

Echos inside my head of my inner demons
Taunting me
Telling me that I'm worthless
That nobody likes me
Words hurt more than cuts
Cuts can fade away
Words stay ingrained in your soul
Ruining you
I change myself
For my inner demons
And other people
Just to feel like I fit in society
Constantly changing myself
Putting on a mask
Pretending I'm okay
When in reality
I'm being torn up by my inners demons
Chained up inside my own head
I try running
But there's no use
You can't run from your own thoughts


  • But.. That doesn't mean to stop living. That means to get help.

  • ...


  • Ho. Ly. Crap. That's deep


*Wheezes* these are finally done
Cowl (TAKEN): Owl x Cat
Lizion (TAKEN): Lizard x Lion
Ravenix(TAKEN): Raven x Pheonix
Raver (TAKEN): Raven x Deer
Watark (RESERVED for Zander The Doggo): Wolf x Cat x Shark
Foar: Fox x Bear
Folfion: Fox x Lion x Wolf
The deadline for drawing them is 2 weeks from today.


  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan Oh ok

  • > Hai Nope. I like to give people plenty of time ^^

  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan In 2 weeks? Not earlier?

  • > Hai Bai> Hai Bai Yeah sure! Please draw it in 2 weeks tho~