Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2 hours / Day
Maybe I'm a little busy but idk
Vent art
  • You may not feel good enough, I get the same feeling sometimes but, Did you know Jesus died for you on the cross because you ARE good enough, and he loves you!

  • Yes you are you're more then good enough you might feel like you're not but you are, you are wonderful and beautiful, and we love you more then anything!

  • Yes you are!!! You are always good enough! You might feel like you're not meeting expectations but you are more wonderful than we could have ever hoped for <33

  • You will always be good enough!

One time

One time, I was happy. Care free.
It was the amazing times of my life.
Now, it’s cut after cut.. tear after tear, and thoughts of suicide.
What happened?
What happened to me?
What happened..

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  • Life happened. Yes, life is tough, but it’s also filled with endless joy and beauty if we can get through the pain!

  • As we get older things get more difficult... Problems... Making friends... Talking to your family when needed... Telling secrets... Hell, even life... It sucks... But we’re all here to do it together dear Just know ur never alone

  • ...

  • Accalia...


I’m not important
I’m not good enough
I’m ugly
I’m fat
I’m useless
I’m trash
I’m worthless
I’m a idiot
I’m a terrible human being

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  • You’re such a great friend!

  • None of these r true!! You. Are. Worth. It. Plus ur an amazing person and one of my closest friends!! Don’t ever forget that dear!!~

  • You are amazing! you're great you're beautiful you're wonderful you have a purpose! we love you!

  • NO YOUR NOT! Do not think of that! You are worthy You are beautiful You are important Your family will cry till the end of their lives


I’d take everything in the world that is bad, everything that’s bothering you, and put it on me to make everyone happy. <3

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  • I would too!

  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan I don't either but sacrificing yourself and never recieving replies is too costly

  • > Rayfiism But I don’t matter.

  • Word from a self-sacrificial masochist Take care of yourself. I still struggle with this so much, but you are important too... don't go down the route I did and suffer silently because everything everybody else goes through is so much worse so I should shut up and stop complaining... This isn't what you're doing now per se, just a warning if you're feeling self-sacrificial. Just want to look out for you

Small vent..

People lie to me.
Why do people lie to me?
Do I not matter enough for you to tell the truth?
Am I nothing to all of you?
I’m just a stupid, ugly, idiot, aren’t I?
I’m such an idiot.

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  • The only person who is lying, you lying to yourself by saying these horrible things about yourself. If you need to talk at anytime, I’ll be sure to get back to you whenever I can.

  • > kawaii.pocky *sniffs* Thank you so much..

  • Don’t think things like that. We’re all here to help. You’re always free to talk to us. You matter to me. You matter to all of us. We all love you! Think of positive thoughts to bring you back up! You can do this! *huggles*

  • You child are now lying to yourself