the closet sneek peek: murder scene

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the closet sneek peek: murder scene
skull thing for carlos
evil job
MaDe A ThiNg
well...what do ya think
new character/alter ego/ kind of myth horrAy
waking up from a long nap like...
FinAllY DoNe
oh boy a dang unsketched band cover i done did ink
*falls down stairs*
challenge and stuff in description
original song.....
everything sucks right now ......
*keeps adding one dolar*
big band cover
do it or ill haunt your dreams
are you not entertained
ive lost my marbles
i tried .....i really tried..
read desc if u want to no the fate of starco
read description
the year of maturity
thats just my name
yes its true
havent spoken to you guys in a while
no u
i guess