イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang



Well f***.

Why can’t they just get along? Why is my dad so bossy? He thinks I’m weak. A weapon. I read through his and my mom’s text (‘cause reasons) and lots of s*** was going on. My mom was trying to be reasonable with him but dad just bashes her. And he says I’m “a**”, as if that’s a good thing. I hate it. I hate him. He scares my sisters. I give no s***s if he kills me with his machete or guns but if he lays a damed knife or gun on my sisters I swear I will spill blood. F*** him I say. F*** him.






1st Day of School Impressions

Ohhhh boy.
Oooooooohhhhh man.
I’m just gonna get to the point straight away.
To start off, the kids are really immature. (Or at least most)
They make (admittedly annoying) jokes all the time, and it gets under my skin.
Not just regular puns or jokes, but fart jokes.
These kids are still infatuated with potty humor.
...none of the kids talked to me lol
even if I tried to start a conversation
Anyways, the school dress code is unbelievably strict, even dress-coding SOCKS.
S O C K S .
I had a panic attack at the gym, so I talked to the counselor (who is really sweet) and ate my lunch in her office.
I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to put up with this for 8 or so more months.
At least tomorrow is free-dress day :’’’)



Inner Agent 3 Strategyyyyy

This is kind of spoiler-y so...beware :’)
Phase 1:
Once Agent 3 activates his/her Inkjet, run around the stage in a circular pattern until your reach the Inkjet icon. Wait there until he/she lands, then you can land a few easy hits. Repeat if you didn’t kill him/her 👌
Phase 2:
Wait until 3 activates Bubble Blower. Swim around the bubbles and attack 3 while he/she is shooting out the bubbles.
Phase 3:
This one is painful. All I can really say is once 3 activates their Autobomb launcher, attempt to stay out of the detection radius of the bombs. If you’re detected,
r u n .
Phase 4: This one is the easiest in my opinion. All you have to do is avoid the Tenta Missile’s shots and throw bombs up onto Agent 3’s platform.
Phase 5:
Easily one of the hardest phases.
You’ll want to circle around the obstacles (both work) when 3 activates his/her Splashdowns. There’s 5 consecutive uses of Splashdown, so you’ll have to be quick. Once 3 finishes, just go after them.
I doodled what you’ll have to do:
I hope this helps :’0
