Pixelverse left a comment!
I text.
I wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait once more.
I wait days.
I get up.
Say hi.
They say hi.
I walk in.
A day goes by.
You should leave, they say.
I say nothing and walk away.
Months pass.
I wait.
Years pass.
I don’t wait.
I cry.
And wait again.
And cry again.
Why do they leave me?, I cry.
No reply.
It will get better! You just have to get situated first. I promise it wont be so bad!😉
I almost made a typo during a confession to some one on here XD It was so dam scary Also I just got back from school And tbh It’s the one place I can be me besides on here and my moms house without being judged BUT I HOOPEEE IT GETS BETTER FIR CHUU
Ehhh, moine almost made me typed something stupid Idr what tho