イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

t h e d o o r

"yeah..i was just sittin-" khan voice went dead slient and stopped in his tracks, ron, who wasn't paying the slightest attention to the younger
peaked over to the quiet khan, realizing the situation very quickly.

as if it was the world Olympics the two males sprinted, khan first reaching the handle, rons placed on top, khan tugged at it. ron having a firmer grip pulled it. hard, still khan managed to keep the handle in his palm and gritted his teeth, aiming to strike the pink hairs shin

"stop, you asshole!" ron barked, resorting his willpower to shove khan.
"no, you! I'm the one opening the door for you this time!" khan shoved back. his heel digging into the cement, keeping a resistant balance
"like hell, you did last time! It's my turn!" the other snapped back, jerking at the door handle. with no avail as khans hand stayed put underneath rons, desperately booting the older with his legs.

"mommy...why are those two grown men fightng..?" the small boy clueless asked, looking innocently up to his mother

"timmy! don't look at those strange people!" she said, placing her hands onto the child's


  • l i I t i m m y

  • lmfao wth am i doing with my life cansomebodyplstellme