I used monit.a color palette to make this.

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I used monit.a color palette to make this.
Sinple ( a copying mistake)
little color thing I made.
Here's an idea sketch I made
>>neddlet<< thing I drew
tested out my shading style & well what ya think?
PAINEASURE the lost sin
zarhia the chimera colored (requested by Suzy)
Suzy request no colors
Dusk the blue cold doggo (requested by heythere)
pick his color & name glitchy
Suzy & Beaster
no one's Box MONSTER colored
littleboxbeast without the Concept
thanks for the request fluffybuttzsnow
thanks for the request Scarletvibes
no one's Box MONSTER
Mine own LiTTle box BEAST
Read description
Iron Heart ( lost blank stare knight) no colors
Candle Demon ( last legacy flame wielder)
Dorns ... & think you suzy for only one who voted
Pike ( still new to the tools on this app)
this is why this Li hero is called boxbeast
little Monit.a BEAST the collab child
Chanson full color (please zoom 2 look better)
lifeislife deer I drew
slug meatball