That’s enough!

+Not that great at art but I like to do it
+@helly.jellie on tiktok if ur wondering
+i play minecraft cause i’m a real gamer
+always here to talk if you need anything (not really anymore, im hardly ever on here)
i have not been on here for like... a year. anyways, totally obsessed with star wars now and just bought my first light saber
hate me today
hate me tomorrow
hate me for all the things i didn’t do for you
hate me in ways
yeah, ways hard to swallow
hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you
and with a sad heart i say bye to you and wave
kicking shadows on the street for every mistake i made
“how could you do this to me?”
these are them
I might be going to a Three Days Grace concert this month :DDDDDDDD I’m excited! I just recently (like over the summer) got into their music, and I absolutely love them. Ugh their music is so good (i know, i missed my emo phase back in 2011, but it’s here now!) And the best part is that I’d be able to go with my boyfriend uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu so yeah, that’s my life update.
nothing really new besides that, which is kinda lane but that’s okay :)
the website for aRt sTrEeT has totally changed. i can’t see anyones myspaces but my own? it’s really confusing ;-; id you guys can see this, please help
about the things i said when i was drunk?
i didn’t mean to call you thaaat
school starts today for me, and i’m ready i think :)
how are you guys?
:0 have fun !!! school starts for james today too and im mad >:( i still have 8 days aha
it’s eh i guess
i liked the sketch more
An edgy e-boy and that watercolor i was working on
wip of a watercolor drawing imma do before work haha
actually probably not, i only have 10 min before i have to leave, but have this
based off the song Creep by Radio Head
I see improvement Also welcome back.
I’m gonna come back, but I don’t have much art to post rn haha so yeah :)
How are you guys on this lovely Sunday?
Btw I got a new job at Subway! It’s pretty noice and super easy
Welcome back tbhthesmalleronelookslikemydogandthebiggeroneseemstobethespeicesofher
I’m thinking about coming back..
Would you guys want me back or no or kinda or?
I was just thinking so...
Yeees please!
We love to hear from you again But it's your decision
I hardly ever come on here anymore. The friends that I talked to are gone now, and I just, don’t post on here. So I think my time is done on Medibang. It was fun while it lasted. Goodbye <3
bye, i hope you have fun elsewhere!
It was fun knowing ya See ya
qwq it was fun when it lasted
> TinyCY Goodbye Tiny :)
holy hell—
i think....
i think this is the best thing i’ve ever drawn on this account...
Holy hell that is good
@lacunatik bc I have nothing else to do with my life
also if you have one and you want me to follow, leave it in the comments
> ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ thanks uwu
followed! my acc is kawaii.pocky :3
Lets hope this fixes my laptop, I’m fully reseting it, so we’ll seeeee
1. You lucky you have a computer 2. One of your old ocs
Also what should I draw?
I very much love this
What do you guys think?
> tiredbloom Thanks!
> cosmic•blue Thank you !!
> CoffeeGhost Thank you!
I really love this, even though I SUCK at anaimals
I’m bad at drawing females ah haaaaaaa but anyways, I had fun with this! I tested with my “dirty style” again (basically just no line art and little color) and hhh i really like this sort of style. I hope you like it Pocky, I’m sorry it’s not the greatest. I’m still trying to figure out female anatomy and stuff
> ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ You’re welcome! I’m glad you like it
> CoffeeGhost It’s Zander’s OC name, pronounced Shar-min...
Who’s seen The Office? Who’s your favorite person on there? I really love Dwight, he’s stupid funny, but also Jim. I’m rewatching it for the second time, and I’m on S 4 Ep 1 so oOoOo
> shoelace If you go to creators on here there's a my groups button and I think it's somewhere near there. I forgot where you see it exactly
> 😻OcelotLover114😻 Where is the invite? I haven’t seen it
Dwight. I love him and also love jim uwu
Shoelace, I sent you a group invite for The Color Squad. Can you please accept it?
This is just temporary so I can get into Medi on my phone
Who’s your favorite eDgY artist/singer? For me, definitely $uicideBoy$, but they sometimes have the same beat and like, way of singing. It can get repetitive. Anyways, I was just wondering who you guys liked.
flatsound?? if that counts?? idk lmao
twenty one pilots
twenty one pilots and yungblud uwu
Fursuits are really fucking cool, like really cool. The talent people have to put their time and dedication into making a costume from scratch is just, ugh it’s so cool. And the outcome from that is amazing! Like holy hell there’s some fursuits out there that I’m just like “I would really like to wear that” or “GIVE IT TO ME NOW AHHHHH”. I hate the fact people hate on furries for BEING THEMSELVES! At least they’re doing something with their lives instead of cyberbulling people. Yes, *some* furries are a bit extreme, like this one kid at my school that shouts around the school with a pride flag behind him saying “IM A GAY FURRY! GAY FURRIES ALL THE WAY!” like? We get it, you’re gay and a furry, but please don’t shove it in people’s faces. I just, for anyone that’s a furry out there, just know I love and appreciate you so much, and you don’t deserve any of the hate you get. You’re talented, creative, and wonderful, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. ❤️❤️❤️
i'm not much of furry myself, but holy heck i feel the same way, fursuits can be so freaking awesome!!
I’m actually pretty proud of this. What do you guys think?
I think it's cool
I love this man with my whole heart. Also, I found this spill on the floor at work today, and it kinda looks like a lioness with one eye
1. Ooooo 2. Kewl
How have you guys been? I posted 2 new pieces in my gallery (they’re both the same picture, one is just digital and the other is the sketch) and it would mean a lot to me if you guys went and checked it out :,) Ummmm what else? I think that’s about all the news I have so uh, yeet.
A small Chaz and Cass moment for you guys uwu
So, we were hanging out with some of our friends at his house, and we decided to have a little fire thing.
Me: Ugh, the smoke keeps following me no matter where I go *continuing to walk around and the smoke shortly follows*
Chaz: Smoke follows beauty
Me: *smiles all stupid and dorky*
Okay, that’s all <3
Yesterday I drove up to my work with my mom in the car, and I wanted to be funny so I just continued to step on the break and jerk us foward. She was laughing, so I thought she was joking with me as well, but then she yelled at me “fucking stop!” and so I just said “woah, okay” and I got out of the car to let her drive back home. She was all like “we were joking!” and I said “yeah but you didn’t have to swear at me”. Then today I did it with my stepdad thinking it would be funny or whatever, and he just stared at me and said “Do you think that’s funny? Your mom said you guys got in a fight about that yesterday, so I don’t see why it’s funny.” And yeah.. it just ruined my whole mood, I know that’s stupid but.. idk, I’ll stop ranting
Hey, I think these turned out pretty good. What do you guys think?
hmm i dunno those are really good!! but the last one is my favorite sksksk
lov em’!!
Luv them
Heck yeah my dude! :D
Hey, Ik I don’t talk to u much but I just wanted to say goodbye, I’m leaving for good now Thank u for the support and love, this also goes out to everyone
I like ‘em, and you’ve improved too!!