Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

fkshfba d

Yesterday was great! Thank you guys for the advice, I appreciate it (and I’m gonna do a request for you guys uwu) I talked with his mom for a bit, then we went to Shopko to go bother his brother 😂 he didn’t really like that, but we still messed with him. We went to the gravel pits as well and it started to rain really hard so we took refuge in an abandoned mineshaft 😂 Man, I had a really good time.

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  • You guys are sooooooo cuteeee! Btw, he looks like a character from Detroit become human, Ralph or simon, it's meant in a good way btw!


Please help me *anxious uwu* I’m going over to my boyfriends house for the first time today, and IDK WHAT ITS GONNA BE LIKE HHHHHHH what was it like when you went over to Austin’s for the first time, or when he came over for the first time? I’m just really nervous, because I have a feeling his mom doesn’t like me (there’s been many reasons as to why I feel like that), and I don’t want to mess it up with her. Ughhhhfhfhsjdhajsj
What do I do guys????

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  • @ Anon I’m bisexual

  • IM SO SORRY I JUST SAW THIS AA— what I did was I tried my best to stay calm, I would talk to his parents when they talked to me, I would try my best to get my mind off of nervousness..hopefully that helped :3

  • UMMMMMM, Just do what you guys normally do...? imnoloveexpert


How about we don’t do this!
Using bases is okay! If they’re f2u (free to use). But stealing the entire adopt? Nope! No way! Especially when people PAID to buy those adopts so they could draw them and/or have them as a character (top right is an example. You can see the poster wrote over how much the adopt was originally). This is a form of stealing, okay? You are stealing others adopts to regive to others for their use, when it’s not theirs in the first place! It is the OPs/buyers/receivers adopt, and you have no right to take that away and give it up to others. If you want to do adopts, just make your own, or use a f2u base and color in the colors!

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  • i agree

Where’s Kayla? (bebe)

So, idk if you guys have noticed her being gone for almost 3(?) weeks, but I have. I just wanted to let you guys know that she is okay. She messaged me on xbox and told me why she’s gone (private info I can’t give out), and she just wanted me to tell you guys that she misses you all, and that she hopes to be back soon (a few months maybe). If you have any questions or comments for her, you can ask me here and I’ll deliver them to her. Anyways, just a FYI for you guys

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  • 👌🏼

  • Glad to hear that she is okay

i’m just gonna talk

it’s 1 AM right now, and my mind is racing
It’s been 4 times now. 4 TIMES! I have tried to move on, constantly, but I can’t. 1 year. I needed him. I have him. There was... a rough patch a few weeks ago. He left. I cried. She was a snake. He came back. He realized his mistakes. I gave in. I love him. I’m insecure. That affects him. Me. Us. When I talk shit about myself, he tries to help, I ignore it. I go off and get mad. He gets upset and sad. I get sad. Then I feel bad. He goes away. He becomes depressed. My fault. He takes his pills. My fault. He grabs his gun. My fault. He comes to school alive. He is suicidal. I’m scared. I love him. He won’t leave, will he? Not again? Not for a second time? I know I did it before, but.. I was confused. That’s not an excuse though. The feelings were there in the back of my mind the entire time. 1 year. I’ve loved him for 1 year. That’s insane to me, and yet we have only been together for not even 2 weeks. If you add all of the other times up though, thats almost 4 months. Not enough. I’m not enough for him. He always talks about other girls and their bodies. I mean, not a girl specifically, just girls in general and how “Thick” they are. I am far from that. I look like a boy. I’m the reason his sexuality is questioned. I’m the reason he is sad. I’m the reason of his pain and suffering. I do absolutely no good. I am a mistake. I should’ve just killed myself the first time. Why didn’t I dig harder? Deeper? Hide somewhere else? Run out into the middle of the road then? Pretend I was going to go get some peaches or something. Let a car hit me. DIE. i should not be alive i should not be alive i should not be alive i should not be alive i should not be alive
I can’t leave him though. I will stay alive for him. Only him. Once he’s gone, I will not live. I will die. Not because of him. Because of my thoughts. My mistakes. My pitiful efforts. I am broken. A mirror that’s been shattered. There is no fixing after everything I’ve been through. What value is there in my life? Not a single penny. I AM NOT WORTH SHIT AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Tell them to FUCK OFF
They are so loud
I can’t think
Why can’t they just go away for a second? Let me have silence for a moment. Peace. Please. My head hurts. I’m tired, but not at the same time. I do not want to sleep, for fear they will be there. The shadows, I keep hidden with dreams that are lies. I do not dream. I suffer. If you could cut my skull ipen, you would see a brain if course, but if you could actually see what’s there, it would be filled with insecurities, horrible thoughts, intense imaginations, demons, all of that edgy shit.

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Just some quick study doodles of Lennoxis. I’m still not really sure on the size of them, but I do know that the size of their head is as big as the average adult (5’10 ish) so they’re big scary creatures. They’re gender neutral as well, so they don’t go by she/him. You can call them:

Uh some other info I guess (this is just for if I’m gonna make them adopts or not)
-They don’t reproduce sexually (so they are asexual)
-I guess you can classify them as amphibians since they don’t have fur/milk, but they give birth to live young and not eggs (reverse platypus)
-The little question mark thingy on their head is for echolocation since they don’t have eyes or a nose. I’m thinking about them being able to talk, but if they did I would only select a certain few. (voice cannon would be Venom’s btw)
-They are AGGRESSIVE and will kill anything in their sights. This is why they produce asexually, because a Lennox can’t be within miles of another without becoming aggrivated.
-Favorite food is humans or pigs.
-Can’t swim at all, and will be affected by any type of water (rain included)

That’s about all of the info haha

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  • Ooooooo, Nice


-idk if I'm still grounded or not so yeet
-finally got my learner's permit after 10472037102749202 years
-shopko is closing april 15 so ive gotta find another job now
-ibroughthomeaboxcutterfromworkcauseidkwheremybladeswentbutivereallyneededthemlately *breaths in* andiknowisaidiwouldtrytostopcuttingbutimaddictedandineedhelp
-im getting a new doggiee uwu her name might be Maze, but we don't know yet. She's a 4 week old Boston Terrier, and we get her in 2 weeks
-ive got some doodles i guess
-also, posting art on medibang through the mobile app has changed? i cant find the setting where i can make it from private to public now :/ so idk if you can help me, that would be great

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  • maze sounds like a perfect name ! also, you'd have to go on the website, then go on Creators, then go on your illustrations [choose the illustration], then somewhere on the bottom it'd should say make it public or something,-


anal with my girlfriend made my whole night, but it made her hole weak
im sorry class
anyways, here's some doodles ive done while ive been gone

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  • I don't watch vines at all so I didn't know. Sorry..


  • @ Anon and everybody else ITS A VINE JESUS CHRIST! Oh my god if you have never seen that video before, please don't ever talk to me again. And if you don't believe me, look it up. It's a guy standing in a classroom with a white shirt on and he says that. I would never post information like that about myself.

  • Ikr. And the hole. TMI. XD lol


i dont wanna be alive
i dont wanna be alive
god i wish i had a little bit of time left
i think id rather be asleep right now
dream about the mistake that is me
tell me why im dying so slow
i wish i was just a little bit older
the i wouldnt be alive for longer
push me towards the edge a little bit further
you were right this never gets old
waking up with another headache
if fighting is all we get
lets just take a break and meet up later
i know its just a temporary thing
thats why i spend each day
trying to make it a permanent thing
maybe ill just give it up
i just waste my time
while others use it wisely
i wish i could do what others do
so i could use my time to plan my death
and when i finish ill go through with it
everything that i wanted to say
will be written in blood on a note
so when i fall in the tub, i wont have anything left to think about

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  • What's wrong?