Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


The cake turned out like shit. I kiterally looks like someone puked it up and tried to mold it back together hhhhhh I’m the worst at baking, or just anything in general.

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  • > BeamMeUp Oh. That's it then! I u I ) /~ I bet you can do better with a much more relaxed condition next time. :)

  • Still better than I could do u3u

  • > Kurumi999 No this is like, my 15th time baking lmao— I just don’t have the right materials for it, and plus, I was being raced againsr the time.

  • Whoah. Is this your first try? But... I n I ) / Hey--- At least you can bake and you tried baking a cake... ; u ; ) /~

h i

I’m still sick as a dog fucking a fox but ya know 🤷‍♀️ that’s just how life be sometimes. I have to go to school today so that’s amazing 🤠 and there’s a biology tesg I know nothing about so uh
Ya bois gonna fail amr XD
I made a new OC aGaIn. God I bet you guys are getting tired of it. Hah well, shits for you, I don’t really care. Here’s just a little bit of info on him:
Name: Crack-head Jones (not his real name)
Age: Between 25 and 30
Gender: Male
Theme Song: Drugs in Me by Cansino (he was actually inspired by this song, and the way that it sounds is the kind of vibe he throws off)
General information:
-Has a knocked out teeth in some places for getting into gang related
-Bandaids/bandagaes everywhere because of shooting up or burning himself.
-One exes out eye and one swirly eye. Cloudy when he’s high.
-Cut left ear from gang fight.
-Always wearing a dirty ass tanktop and baggy jeans.
-Junkie/junkrat. Lives in the dump oof
-Hardly ever gets a shower. Only when he doesn’t waste his money on drugs.
-Does ALL of the drugs. I’m talkin’ meth, cocaine, marijuana, heroine, steriods, opiods, whatever to get him high.
-Surprisingly doesn’t die from all of this. Immortal 🤔?
-Talks crazy. Has a crazy tone in his voice. Actually doesn’t know what he’s saying half of the time.
-Bad visions/dementia (is that how you spell it?)
-NOT OPEN TO SHIP because uh cOugH this dood is crazy and he doesn’t know how to function with other people
-Best friend is a tin can named Tommy/Thomas/Whatever he calls him because he can never remember sometimes (mainly Tommy)
• • •
Oh man I’m so excited to draw this character

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  • Omfg this is a masterpiece-

i g n o r e this

Well you didn’t fucking listen to me did ya? No ya fuckin’ didn’t.
Well since you’re here I might as well give a small face reveal. I’m only wearing a hat because my hairs a fucking mess, but I’m wearing a mask to keep myself sort of secret? Idk I’ve never done this before so it’s kinda spooookyyyy
And I also added a shit ton of filters to try and hide my ugly but I guess it didn’t work :T Sorry! I’ll fix your cracked phone screen another time (stupid fucking face, why you gotta be so god damn ugly?)

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  • Well, I think you qualifiy for cover girl, *clap* Also, I did the same thing mask wise uwub

h h h

I finally finished my color sheet for my TouchFives and Copics 1 year after getting them. If you’re looking for affordable and quality markers, TouchFives are where it is. Yes, the colors have faded over time, and the cap color and marker color itself isn’t the same, but for $50 for 80 markers, it’s worth it in my opinion. 2 problems with them though:
They STINK! Especially the brown markers. Some of them smell like rotted fish, and others are just fine. An example of this is #98 Chestnut Brown.
They LEAK! Over time I noticed my markers were starting to leak, and when I pull the cap off, watery marker mix sprays (you can see an example of this at the bottom of the page with the pink and yellow)
I don’t use these as often as I’d like, but I’m happy with the outcome of my drawings when I do use them.
• • •
Now Copics are a completely different story. These are by far the most expensive art supply I own. With only 12 colors for $80, that’s about $12 per marker, which for the way they color, is not really worth it in my opinion. They were the first markers I owned, and I got them for my 14th birthday I think? Or 15th? I can’t really remember. I like Copics, but I’d much rather use TouchFives than these.

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q n a

Any question(s) is fine

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  • > BeamMeUp Ok ok geezus woman, the past is the past Why so serious? XD

  • > Inferno You’re the one that started this. If you have believed me in the beginning, I probably wouldn’t be this petty to you

  • > BeamMeUp And I ain’t gonna tell you, And I was just tryin’ to lighten up the mood A tad salty there?

  • > Inferno Again, acting childish isn’t going to get anywhere with me. Act your age, even if you’re only 11 years old or so, I don’t know how old you are.

h a h

It makes me laugh really hard when people are like “So you’re a bitch etc etc. but you seem really cool and I want to be friends!” Like?? No tf? That’s not how that works. You can’t just be rude to me then expect us to be best friends forever lmao—
I really love how childish people are, and when it comes to stating facts they don’t even get them right? Pointing fingers at me and saying I’m Cass doesn’t really get you anywhere without LITERAL evidence. Show me the facts that I’m Cass! Show me! Cause there sure as hell ain’t any facts around in these parts! And this person won’t fucking believe me? Pft it’s amazing how stubborn people can be. Sorry if I sound rude, but I’m not even anywhere close to how rude this person was to me when arguing with me whether or not I’m her (BECAUSE I’M NOT GOD DAMMIT!!)

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  • >anonymous I’m the one she’s talking about, SHES the one who’s not dropping it

  • Clap. clap. Clap. Wow. Bravo. I should just chuck a thorny rose at cha Hopefully it wouldn’t get ya tho Such a beautiful RANT About how life can be an ass some times And I get it, we all have are opinions, and I get it, I was wrong. Yeesh, that was out of character for me XD But like w o w Keep on hatin’ and idk if “Childish” is the right word. That’s sugar coating it. It was just down right... Stupid. That’s the word. Here’s an academy award for your preformance 😂👌


I am NOT Cass or whoever tf you guys keep asking me about. It’s starting to get irritating to the point where I’m pulling on my hair and yelling at my phone because you guys keep coming to me and saying ‘I found you! But I won’t tell anyone blah blah blah’. Stop, please. I’m sorry you miss her, I’m sorry you can’t find her, but for the last time, I. AM. NOT. CASS.

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  • > Inferno And I can give you a HANDFUL of reasons it’s not Cass jfc

  • Bitch, I could give you A HANDFUL a reasons it IS you

k i l l m y s e l f

It's NOT FAIR, I found love
It made me say to GET BACK
You'll never see daylight
If I'm NOT STRONG, it just might
It's NOT FAIR, I found love
It made me say to GET BACM
You'll never see daylight
If I'm NOT STRONG, it just might
They figure me a DEAD motherfucker
But I'm just a motherfucker that want to be DEAD
$now Leopard with the lead in his head, turning me into a sweater
Bitches use me as their fucking bedspread
I be the silhouette of a sunset
Smoke a cigarette while I compress my DEPRESSION
Stare into the violet fluorescent lights, makes me VIOLENT
I'm trying to get the highest I can get before I OVERDOSE AND DIE
My ribs are nothing but an empty cage, black hole in my chest
Big bang, Yung Plague on the tip of a wave
In my head, I feel like I'm a guest, so I'ma throw it all away
Because when I am DEAD I will be NOTHING decomposing in a grave
I'm matter, but I DONT MATTER
I can feel my skull shatter from the dull chatter
Brain splattered on the wall
Grey stains won't dissolve, gonna have to paint it all
It's NOT FAIR, I found love
It made me say to GET BACK
You'll never see daylight
If I'm NOT STRONG, it just might
Always boasting my emotions on how I'm so fucking BROKEN
Think I'm joking when I'm talking about blowing my head open
'Till the moment you walk in, and find my body MOTIONLESS
Thoughts of $licky falling in an open pit, shit
Always burn my bridges 'cause I'd rather fall in ditches
If life's a game of inches, then my dick has been the biggest
And my goal's to fuck the world until that motherfucker's twitching
Lane switchin'
Same mission, to DIE and blame my addiction, bitch
It's NOT FAIR, I found love
It made me say to GET BACK
You'll never see daylight
If I'm NOT STRONG, it just might
|/\1|_|_ ^^€

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  • This makes me cry everytime tbh... Idk why It just does

n o m e r c y

Maybe I'll be Tracer
iM aLrEAdy tRacEr
What about Widowmaker?
iM aLrEAdY wIdOwmAkER
I'll be Bastion
You're right. So, Winston
i wAnNa bE WinStOn
I guess I'll be Genji
iM aLrEaDy gEnjI
Then I'll be McCree
i aLrEaDy cHoSe mCcReE

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  • > BeamMeUp I am mildly offended but cool beans bro

  • > Inferno No I don’t lmao— But I do watch cringey Tik Tok videos, and it’s been permanently implanted into my head. I mean, I know more than half of the characters and how they look, but I don’t play it because I just think it’s stupid :T


  • I love that part omg-