Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Bit O' Bunny left a comment!

Oof so this is a thing

I know I’m not gonna get this, cus it’s literally like 2 and a half days away, but my birthday is on Monday, and I was really thinking “hey! I know what a nice birthday present would be!! 100 followers!” And I’m not saying you have to follow, I’m just saying that would be so cool, and even cooler,if I got 150 followers! But that’s just unrealistic right? I’ve never been to 150 followers before, and if I get to 100 I may reveal a huge secret only known by 2-3 people on medibang so. I’m looking forward to it! If it happens, thanks. If not, then it doesn’t matter, I’ll have plenty of time to get to 100. ;3 thanks anyways guys, if you read this, I should go finish some cringy art I’m doing lol bye..

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