hey it's me it's currently 4:16 am and i'm doing math homework
i'm gonna be in so much trouble when mom and dad wake up becuase they don't like me to stay up late for some reason

Half-Baked Art
um yea heres some stuff about me ig
• 14
• he/him or they/them
• I'm a big Jojo fan
• other fandoms: MHA, Danganronpa, TPN, Demon Slayer, and Death Note
• currently trying to overcome social anxiety
feel free to send me a message i guess
also make sure to go and follow these awesome people:
Loobydoo Poppycock
that's all~
- fanart
- fantasy
- being stupid
- 活動地點:mydesk
- 性別:???
v laggy hp laptop
anything that shows up in my YouTube recommendations
✨r a i n b o w ✨
the weight of my sins
cryptids, crows, frogs, mushrooms and rodents
not be a failure

here's the other part to that drawing i was working on yesterday
i didn't change much about these characters
but now you see how skinny teras is, it kind of has something to do with his backstory but i won't go into detail right now
Amazing! I love your art style
so i haven't been very active lately
and i haven't really drawn anything in a while i guess
i started working on this today
it's probably gonna take a while to finish
(also i changed ares's name to griffin because i already named too many characters after greek gods. i changed thanatos a bit too, theres less red in his design and his hair now fully covers up his left eye )
AHHH so cool!! :D btw I'm the one who spammed the thumbs up XD
" d o n ' t w o r r y : i t ' s n o t t h e a p o c a l y p s e "
That's soothing
me: i'm broke
me: *realizes that i have a whole stash of target gift cards just waiting to be used*
Ironic XD
my saturday has pretty much been wasted
> Half-Baked_Art Okay, first of all, that's a mood and two you still have tomorrow to draw and if you can, you can draw something right now or whenever you have that random burst of inspiration ^^
> 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕋𝕖𝕒𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥 spent too much time looking at memes and forgot to do art... (at least for me after 1 or 2 pm the whole day is pretty much done and i don't feel like doing anything)
what happened, why are you sad ;^;
hey people happy valentine's day!
to be honest i actually don't care too much about this holiday but it does bring back memories of this one time we got to put on a play in class and it was the story of cupid and psyche but we had to have a boy play psyche so it was like a gay romance thing and at the end when they got married they kissed and everyone applauded
also the word of the day is heartstring
don't know if that information will ever be useful but there ya go
hope you guys have a great valentine's day
Happy valentines day to you too! And.. YASSSSS I APPROVE OF THAT PLAY!! :333
this one's a honduran white batt
I have spammed the thumbs up
y Es
The tiny leaf bats? Cute!
this came out really bad
i got the idea basically from a bat
Adorableee!! :D
Aww, cute!
i think it's cute! :D
i feel like this frog could be meme but i have no idea what to caption it with
When you go to unplug your phone to get ready for the day and you realize it never charged
God has left the Christian minecraft server.
When you're friend wants to talk in private
When so someone repeats the joke you made and everybody laughs
Wut ish dis?
We were at the Natural History Museum and I begged my mom to get me this
Now I’m gonna scare everybody at school
YASSS SCORPIOSSS!!! Also that is very freaky you'd definitely freak me out.
scorpios unite!!!!!!
I’m having some severe artists block
And I feel like my art is getting worse
;-; Your art is really good tho! If you keep working at it you'll get even better and don't give up. Maybe have a break day today and try looking for inspiration?(music, other art, outfits, etc) I love your art, and I hope you continue drawing! :3
I’m gonna ask the fireman why are firetrucks red
XD ok you go for it
There really is a meme for everything
What in the actual f-
Oh god... it looks like Thanos vomited on the fries O.o
> Loobydoo Poppycock Yes we need to bring back the shrek ketchup
Don t forget the green one!
If there’s tomato ketchup could there also be apple ketchup and orange ketchup and grape ketchup and carrot ketchup
They made purple ketchup!?!! Why would you do that!?!
Also: remember when Heinz made purple ketchup? Look it up!
don't do this to me-
I’m bored help me
I'm in the car rn so maybe later?? I'll try to enter when I'm out. Which is like in 15 mins O-o
I’ve wasted a whole 2 hours looking at my hero academia memes
M e
So once upon a time there used to be pigeons that came to my backyard to eat my dog’s food and one day the pigeon was there and my dad was cleaning out the garage and he was fed up with the pigeons so he grabbed the nearest weapon, which was a lightsaber and whacked that pigeon so far it’s probably still in earth’s orbit, and I never saw another pigeon in my backyard again.
Oof- Rip Pigeon
I just remembered that I do have a sword and a shield
As you can see they’re really small
But close enough I guess
I’m sorry how the fuc-
ClOsE eNoUgH
Reached 20 followers so here’s my old art
I was 4 when I drew this stuff ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
I see T-posinggggggg
iTs BeTtEr ThAn MiNe
A name reveal as well
I know I said on,y when I reach 20 followers but why not :P
For some reason I can’t reply to comments but anyways that is me in the picture ( ° ͜ʖ °)
You have 20 now
Is that you in the pic?
You might be wondering why I have my character Ice such a weird name (especially since her power is fire)
So basically me and a friend from science camp priced these signs around camp saying ‘beware of ice’, so we had this idea (it’s kind of random) for a fire monster called Ice (it snows there but since the camp recently burned down a year before we had the idea of Ice being a fire monster...)
Noice :3 I like the idea
I wanna play some Majora’s Mask
I don’t know how I did this
I’m confused
nsld NV fu eks hi lwnsnjslsboalbye wut how?!?!??!
h o w????? I can't even do a circle without it being almost flat on one side-
I really need help with my art
Any tips on how I can improve it?
Idk, your art style is perfect the way it is ;w;
Try different styles and combine them, pick out the things you like about them and incorporate them into yours. Practice with poses, ik there's this one site where you are timed to draw a pose. It's kinda hard but it will definitely help in the future. ItS fReE tOo. I hope you take my advice and I hope it helps! ^.^
-Maybe you should try new types of brushes..you know ..experience a little. -Do the sketches on paper and then color them in digital (I do that sometimes xD)
Music and Emojis really help uwu And remember it’s all about the a e s t h e t i c I’m always here to help, I’m the aesthlete y’know
And I have brought some memes with me
They are random
Please send help before I start looking at memes and waste the rest of my day *opens imgflip* nope too late I already did it
We lost you :'v
I won't work for mobile
It's not even scary tho
Before I click I must know what it is about please tell me I’m so curious
Oh dang I'm in the middle of class, but we have free time (OW O)b everything's good Also I wish I could stay up that late, I can't keep myself from falling asleep