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v laggy hp laptop
Favorite music
anything that shows up in my YouTube recommendations
Favorite color
✨r a i n b o w ✨
Things you always carry
the weight of my sins
Thing you interested in
cryptids, crows, frogs, mushrooms and rodents
Future goals
not be a failure
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
Do you think I'm not myself?
So I was playing Pokemon go and I caught a Pikachu dressed as a mimikyu this is the cutest thing I've ever seen
EeeeEe I love it
just thought i'd share with you all
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
purble uwu
INKTOBER day seven
INKTOBER day five
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
i've beenlistening to spooky scary skeletons on repeat and now i'm not sure how many times it's repeated
> MoodyMaeko its been 3 hours now
I see no problem here XD
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
I wanna make a 7 sins/virtues family thing but I cannot think to save my life :'|
The main dude is the adopted son so this is his relationship to them, I have next to no ideas for the rest of the sins or virtues any ideas help ;w;
Wrath: Father
Lust: Uncle
Gluttony: bratty little sister
Greed: rich aunt
Envy: ???
Sloth: stoner older brother
Pride: ???
Charity: mother
Chasity: Awkward Cousin
Temperance: ???
Diligance: ???
Humility: ???
Kindness: maybe grandmother
Patience: ???
zelda // botw 2 fanart //
i've beenlistening to spooky scary skeletons on repeat and now i'm not sure how many times it's repeated
> MoodyMaeko its been 3 hours now
I see no problem here XD
mermaid :)
Chibi Jackie
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
Happy Area 51 raid day 😂
area 51 raid is today
a reminder to all raiders: stay safe out there, if you die then you won't get to see the aliens
anyways what do you all hope they find in area 51?
I hope that find my dad-
i hope the find the Tesseract or Minecraft 2
princess Zelda from the new zelda game
sorry for the bad quality
anyways i just thought i'd share :)
another quick drawing
galaxy girl
drawing from class
Half-Baked Art left a comment!
I've beeb really busy and never in the mood I'm so sorry, have a meme from me as an apology, I'll try to get some stuff done and post them, along with the qna as well-
Brooo those look cool