Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


hAhhhhhhhhh Awsten Knight, the singer of Waterparks is hot asf, seeing them December 7th, they are a small band though, so they play at small venues, so only about 800 other people will be there and i have VIP, so i get to meet all three of the band members, take photos with them, have a Q&A, get a signed poster, early access to the venue (which allows me to get first, second, or third row for the concert and still have time for merchandise) a signed copy of there album coming out etc but the first photo is Awsten, the guitar player and the Singer, second is Geoff (pronounced Jeff) the bass player and third is the drummer Otto, and lastly is all three, when i go to hug otto its gonna be so weird hes like 5'6, awsten is 5'8, and Geoff is 6'1 so thankfully ill meet someone famous that is taller then me but keep in mind im 5'9 1/2

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  • mhhh maybe a thousand people actually, but they have quite a few fans but since there small they still tour at small venues so yeea


hAhhhhhhhhh Awsten Knight, the singer of Waterparks is hot asf, seeing them December 7th, they are a small band though, so they play at small venues, so only about 800 other people will be there and i have VIP, so i get to meet all three of the band members, take photos with them, have a Q&A, get a signed poster, early access to the venue (which allows me to get first, second, or third row for the concert and still have time for merchandise) a signed copy of there album coming out etc but the first photo is Awsten, the guitar player and the Singer, second is Geoff (pronounced Jeff) the bass player and third is the drummer Otto, and lastly is all three, when i go to hug otto its gonna be so weird hes like 5'6, awsten is 5'8, and Geoff is 6'1 so thankfully ill meet someone famous that is taller then me but keep in mind im 5'9 1/2

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Welp pt 2

I think I'm going to decide on the merch I want at the concert too, BUTTT I think I'm gonna order my favorite to least merch that I wanna buy, just so if they dont have the right size or if they run out before I go to get it then I will still have the opportunity to get something, I'll post more tommarow! through Monday-Friday is my last week of school! I will be out on the 10th and go into 8th grade in August so yay for that shit, my birthdays coming up too, July 6th, IM NOT EXPOSING MY AGE AND IF ANYONE KNOWS MY AGE AND EXPOSES IT I WILL BE UNFRIENDING AND UNFOLLOWING YOU BECAUSE THATS MY PERSONAL BUISNESS

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  • You’re only in 7th? Dang mate, thought you were older

  • I think I know your age but it’s safe with me. I’m escorted for you tho!

  • Wait. You're only in 7th? I thought you were older 0_0

  • WTF my birthday is July 6 too in 7th also 0-0


Currently trying to plan an outfit out for Next month for the twenty one pilots thing, ALSO IS ANYONE ELSES MESSAGING NOT WORKING, I HAVE MESSAGE NOTIFICATIONS BUT THE MESSAGES WONT SHOWWW
Also, I only have the bandana and the shirt, I still need to figure out makeup, hair style, pants, shoes, where I'm gonna use the tape at, and literally everything but the shirt and bandana ;-;

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  •'s nice^^

  • Lots of yellow, you definerly fit into trench era lmao

  • You look good uwu

  • I have no idea if I even look good and fit into the trench era



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  • Good for ya hope ya have a nice time buddo ^^ quuueesssttiioonn you watching sonic movie when they redesign him and when it comes out?

  • Ack I want to go

  • > ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ Where are you going to sit if you do go?

  • > 💕H̷e̷a̷l̷i̷n̷g̷C̷r̷a̷c̷k̷e̷r̷💕 YES AAA


(Photo taken by me)
Why do such things come to an end
when things seem to go right for a soul
Something in mother nature snaps
I guess it's just a way of life
(I was in the forest and found this, pretty cool, sad but....its ok, there better now)
Ps-its a deer skull

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  • Hey, I am so, so sorry I wasn't here for you a few days ago. I've been kind of neglecting my notifications recently and it's not because of anyone I'm just having personal problems in real life but it's nothing anyone should worry about. I'm sorry for what you've been going through but just know that I care and that you're a great person.

  • Anonymous< Thank you...its good to know that there are people like you out there

  • I can be your fren,,?

  • I'll be your friend if you want even if I make stupid things or mistakes like yesterday sorry about that....

  • Oh my..

  • > 💕OneHappyTallCracker💕 Ignore her she needs to get a life and you don't need a person like her you deserve someone else! You don't need her!

  • > 💕OneHappyTallCracker💕 You can talk to all of the same friends, but just ignore her mainly.

  • She asked me to defend her, so I did, because at first I was on her side, now I see how she twisted things to me, so I feel like I need to apologize.

Some proof....
  • Disgusting. I am so sorry for you.

  • Anon shut the hell up, unless you want me to fucking cut myself again I would advise you to listen to the whole story

  • >Anon Yeah, we know, we're just shocked because it's out first time seeing it.

  • Sorry💕OneHappyTallCracker💕 I'm pissed off cause I couldnt go blackpool (my second home well I think it is) so I needed to say that but I hope you get someone better than sal from charnel the skeleton...



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  • Are you okay wanna talk about it....?

  • Oh stars above are you okay? Please don't go you're too awesome and your art is great and I care about you!

  • Hey man, please please don’t do it. We all love love love you, and we would really hate and cry over you being gone. We care about you. It’s worth it, it really is. What’s going on?

  • Are you alright? You know by now I’m here for you


Whats the point of living with all my bad qualites...

They hurt
-Sleep Paralysis

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  • Stop with this smart ass shit anon

  • *cough* according to Newton’s third law everything has an equal opposition. Not only for motion, I believe, but for situations like this. You are creative, smart, beautiful, and a huge inspiration. Please just stop letting your and other’s negativity in. You’re fantastic no matter what anyone says. Your life has meaning to many more people than you think.

  • Hey. I promise you it gets better. People told me this when I was going through a hard time, and I never listened, but I got out of it. So can you. Please please please don’t do any harm to yourself ok? You are worth it. You are beautiful. You’re an amazing person who deserves a chance and a life. Please don’t take it away from the people you care about. Who care about you. I hope I’m not too late

  • You matter. You’re worth it. You’re amazing. You’re there for me. But.. please.. Don’t do anything bad to yourself.. you’re such a good person.. you always help me and.. I guess I’m too late..


Dont you love when every person on the planet hates you.... :'D

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  • > 💕OneHappyTallCracker💕 Hey man, harming yourself is NEVER the answer. I know it feels like verything is falling apart, but you have friends who really care about you and don’t want to see you hurt

  • Everyone on the whole planet doesn’t hate you, mate. There are people who love you!! Like us! Not everyone is against you, even though it may feel that way.


  • Why the fuck did you cut yourself?! You know that no one hates you?! Please bandage yourself..


Yay....Depression :'D...

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  • Don't worry I have it to and I don't tell anyone like my i didn't tell my ex friends they caused it for leaving me to the dust but what happened? Did anything happen?

  • ..why aren’t you talking to me about it?...

  • What happened man? Sorry if anything happened. Need to talk?

  • What happened my friend? I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. Anything I can do to help such a fantastic person like you?


I ran out of storage on my phone from downloading all of my freaking adopts, (mind you it's now 304) and I really need a toyhouse code and have tried finding some people, if anyone has a toyhouse code that would be great, I'll even offer something for it, like I'm desperate

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  • Forgive me, but what even is toy house?

  • I've been looking for one too but no one has one for me...

  • > ☁︎Orion☁︎ Sounds good, I may link it on here, just depends, also thank you so so much, really I'm very happy now!

  • > 💕OneHappyTallCracker💕 I’ll help you out with any questions or queries you may have! It’s pretty simple to learn! I’ll note you the code over on DA and you can link me your TH on there or here