My cat just vanished and I'm gonna cry. I don't know where he went. I think.. Maybe, my mom put him outside when I was asleep but I'm not sure ;-;

-Call me Travis please
-homophobes/transphobes fuck off
- Anime
- Manga
- Cartoon
- Comic
- Soft fluff
- UwU energy
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
Time spent online
Like 20 hours a day I spend online :p
Favorite animation
Steven Universe
My dad died :')
Favorite color
Favorite music
I like the band cavetown :|
What you eat when hungry
Nothing, I literally starve myself
Things you always carry
Some candy and my stylus

I fell asleep with my cat and then I just woke up.. And he's gone ;-;
> tiredbloom Yea I do, his name is Meh 👌
Poor child.
I act a lot nicer on mb then I act in rl, if I were to act like my irl self I would still be nice to my friends. If your not my friend and your rude I would not be nice about it, I think people who can't appreciate other people should not stay alive. They're useless to this world and I don't understand why someone with so little decently should live (I'M LOOKING AT YOU FAFAGLU!). They are always lower than you and say rude things to make themselves feel better about there self. This type of person is usually really dumb, a smart alec, or a total ass. You should usually push this person to the side and forget about them. They're not worth you good people's time. I would act different but not to my friends or nice people... what I mean to say is.. Stop being mean, stop doing everything your doing, you're ruining all of our lives. Try to be a bit more nice... Anyways, I'm sensitive in a way and if some of y'all are to, I'm sorry I offended you. I hope you all have an ok day.. Bye ❤
Shout out to:
Hai bai
Lazy slushie
Kawaii pokey
And Nightfur the furry
(There's more people but my hand is getting tired qwq)
,Thank you all for being great people,
You stand up to him. UwU
I should be thankful to you.
> ℓαzу_ѕℓυѕнιє™️ I'll change it :')
> Ochan🍡🌈 Ah, I understand.
Somebody help me qwq
I'm starting to forget things about my life, I can't sleep at night and I'm getting in a lot of fights.. I don't know what's going on and I need help. ;-;
Love the cameo tho!
Oh don’t mind me. Do continue with your crisis. :>
Okay it's chill 👌 Y'all can just ignore me.. It's not like I'm suffering and starting to become mentally unstable over here ¡w¡
It's now midnight where I live! One miserable year gone, another to come qwq
I'm listening to a twenty one pilots playlist and this one song came on and it started with him saying "sipping on straight chlorine" :'/
Just look!!! Their freakin so cute!!! Especially Sooha >w< (sorry about my kindle thingie on the edges)
I'm putting up a drawing contest today and will put the info down below ⬇⬇
-The drawing contest does not have a limit of who can join if you want to join them you can
-You will be band from the contest if you draw something inappropriate
-You are drawing a drawing of the description I give you: "she had brown hair and blue eyes. She looked around 15 or 16 and was very pretty. She was also wearing a pink jacket with a furry hood"
-post the link to your guy's drawings in the comments of this thing
-The first place winner will win: a permanent friend and fallow, a full body drawing of the character I'm talking about, and a adopt with the look of your choice
-The second place winner will win: a permanent friend and fallow, a hips up drawing of the character I'm talking about, and a adopt
-The third place winner will win: a permanent friend thingie, a shoulders up drawing of the character I'm talking about, and a smol adopt
Hope you decide to join ^^
> savior Oh she wears jeans
What about the pants?
There will be no deadline fyi
I'm gonna go to bed.. It's like 2 in the morning soooo...
Goodnight!! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Sweet dreams
I have to wait till Wednesday until I can hang out with my crush and I'm really sad qwq
Lucky qwq
> Chesni Aww thank chu ´ w `
I hope you and your crush have a great time together. ( ´ ▽ ` )
> ℓαzу_ѕℓυѕнιє™️ A girl from my school
I got a new hair cut and I love it a lot >w<
Yay! What kind of hairstyle is it?
I have no inspiration for drawings ;-; someone halp meh
Imma take a nap my darlings. I didn't get any sleep last night and really need it
Rest well ! :3
Oki doki! go get some sleep! sweet dreams! ^w^
No reason that yoy guys need to know (I mean I posted a thing a day ago but deleted it soooo- :1) I just need a hug. All I'm gonna say is, I'm a worthless piece of trash that was thrown in a dump because people couldn't bare to look at me. I'm a disappointment to society and shouldn't be part of it /^\
Thank you guys *hugs all of you guys back*
Come here lil bean uwu *hugs*
None of that is true >:0 And I wish I could give u a hug ;n; *virtual hug* have one of these uwu)/✨✨
I wish I can hug you irl ;-; Here *Hug*
I found him :') He was outside the whole time
Hope you find him ;;-;;