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Hare Kon ~ Koharu

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Hare Kon ~ Koharu
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Ami (repost)
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My oc has a new look?
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Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there
Please read this is important to me.
I honesty love all the support you guys have given me but
I feel like I should go back.
I know I say I don’t want to because it would be to painful and I’d cry so much, but I just
I don’t even know if I can go back but maybe?
No ones looking for . What if I do. I feel I left every thing behind. Everyone I loves so so so much. It doesn’t feel the same. I’d like everyone to return with me but... I. Don’t know.
Should I?
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
🚨Warning my old style may cause the following: ceseres, (um idk if I spelled that wrong) panic attack, cringing, and screaming inside🚨
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So I hated how it originally look so I'm re makeing it yay
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So Animalgirls is comeing out in April so next month yay no day yet just the month QwQ. Also I'm looking for voice acters if you'd like to be one let me know I need people to voice my male characters. More coming soon...
~Pikachugirl Draws
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PFP Contest!! (read first comment)
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Um do tonight or tommorow my parents are setting up an internet thing with are WiFi were it can tell them what I'm doing on the internet which is bad for me since I never asked to have a deviant art or Medibang account ya hehe please don't be mad and I don't want them to find this and them make me delete them so my only solutions are not be very active any more TwT or leave all of them till I'm 18 or ask parents to have these accounts I'm try to go with not being that active ok so probably see you all next weekend please try not to post to many MySpace post ok please see you all soon hopefully bye
~Pikachugirl Draws
kinda_strange_ngl left a comment!
So as you all know recently I made a art post called seperated yes this is kinda based ooff how me and my best friend from 5th grade hasn't seen me for like 2yrs now but thx to a friend ik she's alive still
(btw they go to her school) but if it's been awhile since I've seen them I start to worry about how Star is doing (btw that is not my best friends real name). I beat some of you are wondering why I make such a big deal over my friend from 5th grade well you see she was achally
the one who got me more into draw5when I first became friends with her in 5th grade I saw how good she was at drawing and wanted to draw just like her. Also like either before school started or after school started I watched my first Anime.
It was On Netflix and is called Glitter force which is why to this day I love the magical girl genre because that show is a magical girl anime. I know some of you think of that as a really childish anime but to this day I still tech it when a new series comes out.
I remember first watching it and seeing these cute adorable preteen girl who became these beautiful hero's called magical girls who had these really pretty outfits and cute expressions and everything and wanting to watch more.
(That is how I got into Anime) Later on Anime also started to inspire me to draw and I remember wanting to draw them exactly how they looked and I would try my best. Later on since my friends found out I liked anime
Too (since thay like it too) they introduce me to anime American anime to this day I'm a huge fangirl of called RWBY (most of you already know I love this anime) I remember looking it up on my tablet at home after my friends told
Me about it and sewing a bunch of Ruby Rose art (it was all Ruby rose art XD) and being like woah this looks awesome then I started becoming a fangirl and ya...
Starfox would some times draw stuff and thenhave me try to draw it too to help me draw better since my art was terrible at the time ya... and now I look back at my art then vs now I see how much of my dream of becoming an anime artist I really
Have accomplished and think wow I have really inproved since then I still believe I can still inprove I'm currently trying a new eye style that looks really nice and I promise to post more art soon.
Also update about the contest I might cancel it and draw you guys who have entered a fullbody drawing since ik you guys put some hard work into the art and I will have to decide if I will or not so stsy tuned.
Dang I feel like I just wrote whole story well bye
~ Pikachugirl Draws 59% 10:22 PM
Follow Starfox here (she's not that active)
Redbubble: ??? She had merch here but idk where it went if anyone .ca find it I'll do a fullbody drawingfor you
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Mel x Copper
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Great I wake up and now my voice is terrible I have to whisper to talk
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Don't be suprised if I kill myself 👌
Bye y'all
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Don't be suprised if I kill myself 👌
Bye y'all
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Does anyone have any good music I can use for animal girls that would be nice if so I'm looking for some good song like mainly anime but you can suggest none anime music or Japanese music any is good leave a link to the song please and no rap or songs with cues words please thx
>OneMintyBoi hmmm, i wouldn’t worry too much, if you were happier and had more friends, than go on ahead and go back! and if you end up not liking it, then log back on here mate!
> Spacey_Cipher Ok. I’m also kinda worried about leaving people here but I’m not nearly as close to any as I am on that account.
>OneMintyBoi ok, here’s what i would do. i would go back, try it for a couple days, and see how i felt. if you feel depressed, leave, but if it makes you happy, stay there