Soup—the warm, liquid-y food we eat when we’re sick.
I don’t really care for soup. Chicken-noodle is ok, I guess, and ramen, but... I’d take a good solid any day.
Soup reminds me of vomit, honestly, and I had to go to the ER for vomit one time, so... yeah. I don’t love soup.

I’m TrYiNg tO dElEtE mY aCcOuNt
Poor Satin and Chenille....
Just found this on the table
satin just turned into king henrys second wife-
Why did i read "stalin" at fir- (Remembers) Oh.... (RUSSIAN ANTHEM STARTS PLAYING-)
I used a base but-
I still drew the dragon part
Ack it’s sooo fuunyyyy
Why do i feel like turtle would come running with a touched stick at full speed twords winter if qibli was me-
Them: you’re an Idiot!
That’s what’cha do my dudes
So I have this thing where I put dog stickers on the front of my noteboooks...?
Y U S T H I S. I S. L O V E L Y.
My mom called my dog Indie “a Bofunkel”
Just sayin, I have an awesome mom. XD
Exactly. Bofunkel? Seriously?
W.I.P. Of moonbli
>@anon Yeah
Pick a Wings of Fire ship and an outfit to dress ‘em in!
- Blicket
- Clayril
- Ripnami
If you don’t know Wings of Fire just choose one and you’ll find out.
(Looks at ripnami) oh ima do this on- (sees glorybringer) oh no- TAHTS HOW A LOOP HAPPENS KIDS!
Blicket in A 3 I love dem
> ★Auzzie★ I didn’t wanna say the “a” word XD
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 DoNkeY??
Mom: What do you guys want for dinner?
Me: MaGnEtS
Sis 2: COCO
Can my sisters and I ever be serious? XD
> SpiritFoxAnimates2 MAC’N’CHEESE SHALL RULE ALL But tonight I’m having Taco Bell. So. Sadly ;w;
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 I either say "idk" or "I'M MAKING MAC'N'CHEESE AND NOBODY CAN A STOP ME"
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 that's noice
Papoopoop My sis calls my mom Mommy Papoopoop
Geeto Geeto witto daw, how I Wanda what you aw. Way up in da guy so high, like a diamond in da guy, Geeto Geeto witto daw, how I Wanda what you aw.
When I was little, here was how I pronounced some things:
Helicopter: Hotopo
Airplane: Hairpane
Drink: geet
Light up princess: lite a princess
Three: free (I’m free!)
Weird guy: hey kid how are ya? (You: f r e e. (Guy: hey bois this kid is free-
Weird guy: hey kid how are ya? (You: f r e e. (Guy: hey bois this kid is free-
Weird guy: hey kid how are ya? (You: f r e e. (Guy: hey bois this kid is free-
Gyp is one of the Seven Lords of the Zriifton Rebellion.
Pronounced: Jip
> Emberblaze Thank you, though. I’m fine. I prefer to deal with grief on my own, but that’s very sweet of you.
> Emberblaze Honey. 10 fish, two cats and three dogs. HO-NEY.
> Spade *inhales* That's horrible If you do need anyone to talk to who understands I'm open You do not want to know how many dogs I've lost
> Emberblaze Yeah just sad. He was 17 and I’m a few years younger than that, so all I knew was him.
Moon: Seriously Qibli? In front of the internet?
Qibli: ehhhhhhhhhhhaha ;w;
Qibli: I- j-just thought you were cold...?
Moon: *sighs*
Look it up then!
You should read ‘em then they are REALLY GOOD.
Idek what wings of fire is
So. *inhales*
I drew this when I was like four
Obviously I am much better of an artist now XD
Sorry for the Peppa Pig mat underneath, this is in my sister’s room
W O W 👌 #cringeworthy
I didn’t make this to make you feel sorry for me. I just want to adress that you are VERY LUCKY if you’ve never had it. I even had Scarlet Fever once, which is very scary. Like, Scarlet Fever can KILL you. So you’re lucky if you’ve never had strep, because it sucks.
Queen scarlet (wings of fire): hello there- OH WAIT YOU CAN KILL ME OH N- *LE POOF*
Yeah It sucks BUT on the bright side I don’t have to go to school
Owo I don't feel sorry for u I just don't want you to be sick
There are seven Lords in the Zriifton Rebellion.
The Zriifton Rebellion is the Rebellion trying to stop Jynx from destroying all of the Seven Reigons: Athena, Tikari, Natiri, Hopi, Sloviir, Tañor, and Zveilh.
Ruse of Athena is the best fighter of them all. Seemingly in a relationship with Rook, and also being the of the closest region to Rook, the two often host conferences at each other’s forts. Despite her icy exterior, Ruse is fair.
Hoax of Natiri is large and bulky, and quite unforgiving. Rumor has it that Jynx killed the one he loved the most, but this “loved one’s” place in the family is unknown.
Gyp of Tikari is faster than any fox could wish to be. Beautiful and cunning, she has outsmarted Jynx a few times, although most think this means she will be the first Lord to be killed.
Illusion of Zveilh is quiet. He loves to distract his enemies with a good old magic trick, though, like pulling Nightshade cakes out of an empty hat and telling his enemies to eat them. (Usually they don’t know the cakes are nightshade cakes, though.)
Cozen of Sloviir’s followers are mostly loyal, quite like himself. Cozen is a Wizard. He prefers to call Witches and Wizards “Wits and Wizzes”.
Listo of Tañor quite obviously has a Spanish theme. Listo means “smart” or “ready” in Spanish. Which makes sense, because he is smart AND he’s ready for whatever obstacles come across his path.
And finally, Rook of Hopi, the smartest, oddest, and most powerful of all the Lords. Rook is considered the Head of the Zriifton Rebellion, But lets be honest, he’s caused a couple of deaths. They were bad people though! Bad guys. Bad, bad, bad guys...
Anyways, each Lord has a symbol. Here they are:
> Spade Yeeee I'm Emberblaze on there
> Emberblaze Oki. Maybe I will
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 Ikr But no, Storybird is a online community of Writers and Artists. It's safe and moderated and a great place to publish your stories. There are many incredible and talented artists in there that make artwork for the writers to use. You should look it up sometime and maybe even try it! It's free also.
Do you mean storyboard? If you do, then yup. I’ve researched Pixar and Disney and I’m even taking Pixar classes (just learning how they do it and stuff) at school. I would like to take an official animation class and become an animator when I reach college, which may be in only a few years considering I am gifted. NOT BRAGGING it’s actually weird to be in a gifted program, bcs EVERYONE at normal school expects you to know EVERYTHING.
To anyone who knows someone who has been gravely diseased.
To anyone who has been gravely diseased.
To anyone who has saved a life.
To anyone who knows someone who has beat cancer.
To anyone who has beaten cancer.
To anyone who has helped them through it.
To anyone who knows someone who has been through many serious surgeries just to be somewhat healthy.
To anyone who has been through many serious surgeries just to be somewhat healthy.
To anyone who supported them through their pain and restless fighting.
To anyone who has saved their life.
I care very gravely about sick people and want to help them. Even though I could never be a doctor (because I get grossed easily), I constantly am reading their stories and wanting to donate to them.
Maybe it’s because I’m caring.
Maybe it’s because I like to help.
But I think it’s probably because...
My sister went through seven surgeries within the ages of zero to five just to be healthy.
My great grandma is finally home from the hospital.
My great aunt beat cancer.
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 OwO
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 Hey, its true
> Emberblaze Um.... I’ve never really been called a hero before. Wow I’m just kinda.... Tysm
Here’s ma boi! He’s a canine, and his wings are actually big. His paw pads are lavender and his nose is regular purple.
Ok! I'll get started on it right away!
His paw PADS just wanna be extra clear in that XD
Here’s your Spix Dracawx!
AWWW THANK YOU I LOVE THEM SO MUCH btw, can you post your character so I can draw them please?
His head: strawberry, chest: mint chip, tail: rainbow sorbet, back: chocolate, body: vanilla, eyes/brows/nose: raspberry sorbet
Looks adorable!
I traced Simba for the line art but—
KUPA! (Kupatwa) This was an adopt from mah buddy Emberblaze! Go check ‘em out they’re awesome UwU.
You did a great job!!!!
I should be thanking you though, for his design.
Aww he looks amazing! Great job Kandi!
I hope ya like it m8!
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 😁
I’m glad! Also I drew Kupa. His design is ADORABLE TYSM I LOVE HIM SOOO MUUCH
Cute! I love it!
I actually paid attention to detail!
...hooray for me...
> Emberblaze Ok tysm!!
I finished your emoji thing btw
Enter three emojis and I’ll make adopts outta them!
🐝🍣🍜 Bee sushi and raman- (crys in my raman freezes fast-)
🐝🍣🍜 Bee sushi and raman- (crys in my raman freezes fast-)
> Azraq I’m done w/ urs
My sweet pupper
She’s 9-11 we don’t know
She’s spayed that means they took away her uterus so she can’t have puppies
I’m her favorite
When we got her, she was scared to death but she warmed up to me first. She trusted nobody but me. So now I’m her favorite!
What breed is she?
> Emberblaze YUS
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 She is so PRECIOUS
I know I love her more than ANYTHING
My real dog
My sister is hugging him so her hand is in the pic sorry XD
He is a male and he is 18 months old
We’ve had him since November 2017
He is neutered. That means they took his... man parts -_-
Luckily tho! Now he can’t have puppies!! We have enough dogs in the world.
Well... Our cats multiplied
> Emberblaze SEVEN CATS LUCKY! I only have one
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 Aw! I have 1 dog and, like no joke, 7 cats
> Emberblaze His pupils get really big when he’s excited XD
I’ve only been here for a little over a week!
And eight followers already?!
I know it’s not that much compared to others but I MEAN
I’m amazed
Make that 13.
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 OoO OvO
All of you!
> Emberblaze OwOwO Tysm
There are cats who’d harm you
Just for a thrill
There are those who love
a bloody chill
But freedom’s price is
A bitter pill
So never go outside...
or you’ll be killed.
> Emberblaze Yes 👌👌👌👌👌 ‘Tis kittypet life uwu
>Azraq UwU
No problem!
Tysm! I’m glad you enjoy it! I love doing it too!
This is Rook. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s not entirely good either... he’s trying to stop Jynx from destroying all eternity, which Jynx wouldn’t MEAN to do, but Jynx is going mad. So.
Ima draw em
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 UwU
Coolio Julio
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 Sweet
Of course you can! She’s yours now!
> 🏴CandiedColors🇱🇷 Sure! Sounds cool! Do you mind if I give her a few accessories?
The Rook Signature is the little lightning bolt
> Emberblaze S A M E
Hhhhhhhhh I love most soup Except tomato soup I h a t e it