wip of a traditional painting i'm working on

i enjoy items reminiscent of 1980s/1990s americana, tea, criminology, hamsters, 50s/60s films, york patties, 2000s styled websites, and rubber bands.
best fren: https://medibang.com/u/Lylth/
ig: https://www.instagram.com/itchy.worm/
I have a lot, but take two recent ones.
> FÄDEE Thank you FÄDEE!! That means a lot (≧▽≦)
Congrats! I can see why you have so many followers. You have a wonderful and unique painted style! Keep up the great work!
With mowochuwu, sock bait, and the RandomFandom345
Okay! I'll work on it today!
> FÄDEE The angry one is available: https://medibang.com/topic/u12010182222221370015423872/
is there any room for me to join??? I've been asking but am not really sure how it's done. Do I just pick one or what???
paintover wip for a friend
> jessie ahaha thank you!! (´ω`*)
60 followers!! I gained 11 followers in a week!! Thank you so much!! But what happened? I don't think I've ever gained followers this fast before! (^∇^)
> monrura Np, btw don’t b sad. Moving up is good!
> DrawingCat.blah ahaha, thank you guys!! If it keeps up I don't think I'll be underrated anymore, which for some reason makes me a little sad haha.
Congratulations monrura! Btw person is right, u r just getting more popular!
Congrats! It just means ur getting more popular :D soon enough you’ll be getting 11 in like a day ✨✨
Imma need some context for this m8
> Dogfox39 Lol, even without context it's funny xD thanks for requesting mee (^▽^)
It so beautiful A little context, Kasane Teto fav food is Baguettes, and since I canon Hatsune Miku to be a little jealous of Teto, I thought this would be funny.
I need to work on my page :>
my sis said it's looking kinda crusty rn
but idk how to make it look better
she said i need an ~a e s t h e t i c~
> DrawingCat.blah Lol that's my sister for ya She replaces the word ugly with crusty lmao
“My sis said it’s looking kind of crusty”. Excuse me while I fall on the floor laughing. Sorry this isn’t helping.
> Lemon I should probably do that, since I use common colors like purple, pink, etc. but I'm really bad at finding pics that match ⊙︿⊙
Im not suggesting this simply bc thats whats on my profile page, but you could take the colors of your profile picture and make a background/banner out of them or choose pictures with colors near them \( )/
This was so hard, it's not perfect but I fixed it kinda (ಥ﹏ಥ)
> ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ Thank you!! I agree haha ≧ω≦
Y'all did so well!!
> Lemon Thanks! I did the best I could with my limited editing skills. Everyone did awesome (^▽^)
Me: *pulls an all nighter to finish this one literature assignment*
Me: *is proud of myself and sends it in*
Me: *realizes I did the wrong assignment*
Me: *cries because my sleep deprived self wasted an entire night writing an essay I wasn't even suppose to do*
Me: *cries even harder because I'm going to fail for sending in the wrong thing*
AAAAHHHH! I feel so bad 4 u. I hope things turn out ok!
*cringe* I can say I know how that feels....
I just hit 50 followers!! That's half of a hundred!! I'm so happy, all of you are awesome \(T∇T)/
should I do something special for this milestone? I'm thinking like, maybe drawing something for you guys, like opening requests :D
Idk, tell me what you guys think I should do ⊂◉‿◉つ
> monrura Thank u uwu
> Dogfox39 coming right up 👍
Can you draw Kasane Teto shoving a really big baguette and Miku is just judging her while shes watching? Please?
I'd like you to redraw this picture :o https://medibang.com/picture/082009140211237370006774027/
I just saw something that made me really happy uwu
> monrura nah, we don't judge. this is one of the weirdest art sites out there so i wouldn't worry bout it
> gh0st_hands I might post it in another topic haha, nobody will get it and now everyone will question my choice of entertainment-
> monrura i wanna seeee
ah i see
dis is pretty good, not too accurate but it's good :0
> ß Lol yeah
> 🖤☠£verett☠🖤 Oof- Well the one I most relate to is Nagito. Just make him a bit calmer but he still a mood and that would straight up be me. Nagito and Ibuki. >:0
> ß Fav i misspelled it
> 🖤☠£verett☠🖤 I am but a mere chaild so therefor I do not understand what fac is-
does he tho???
> monrura AAAAAA
Bruh, the what
Do you guys wanna play drawception with me? Pls i'm so bored https://drawception.com/play/Z9xjmrrmyg
> boiledsunflowers Theyy are, guys pls we just need 4 more people-
lol everyone is taking a long time
> boiledsunflowers Eyy thanks :D
nvm i joined yours
GemHeart called me back today, she said she was fine and wasn't affected by the storm too much. She said she was taking a break from medi because it was getting a little too toxic for her, and someone was saying/commenting some rude stuff. She said she might delete her account, but it's not final. Because of that incident with that person her parents aren't allowing her on here. She won't be continuing the Lindalen contest unfortunately, but she appreciates everyone who's entered.
I hope this clears some stuff up!
I miss her and this is the only place that we can talk D: Just let her know that :(
> jessie Idk if this was a one time thing or what, but it clearly effected her enough to want to leave. Plus, even if she wanted to come back her parents won't allow her on.
> monrura I did defend her and go off on someone who was rude to her compliment on their art. I ended up deleting the curse-filled comments I posted before the person saw them, cause Gem already had it under control and I went a little too crazy.
> jessie I think so. Honestly really wish I knew who said it, but Gem knows I'll go after them so that's probably hy she didn't say lol.
Do any of you wanna play sketchful.io with me? I'm bored, it feels like no one's been on for a while
Anyway here's the link: https://sketchful.io/room/AcxwA
I wanna do the 3 characters that remind you of me challenge since I've run into a brain fart on what to draw next :p
I swear if no one comments I'm gonna eat someone's soul-
He was a bad guy, but now he's a GOOD GUY.
After watching a few clips of him I'm not sure if he's a bad guy or good guy- he kinda reminds me of Killua Though, according to his wiki, he has a pet hamster which automatically makes me like him(・w・)
You remind a lot of a friend from school, but I can't show a picture, so I'm going keep thinking about it. However you remind me of a female Sho from Mob Psycho 100. Here's a Link to him: https://www.google.com/search?q=sho+mob+psycho&rlz=1CAQFVM_enUS920&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis3Zb7zPrrAhXSUt4KHX-yDQYQ_AUoAXoECBUQAw&safe=active&ssui=on
> Dogfox39 Basically, it's a challenge where you tell me a character that reminds you of me (it can be from anything) and I draw them :p
Me: *sees that this week's theme is white hair*
Me: *looks at what I posted yesterday*
Me: so... close... :')
I'm not liking how this is turning out but I don't know what to fix-
Should I trash this or is it redeemable-
Bro, that looks really good! I don't think it needs any fixing, but if you want to, you can. :>
> monrura No problem and I hope it works?? ;w;
> ß Ok I'll try that! Thanks!
Maybe tilt the face a bit closer to the center and slightly turn it to match the tilt of the head? I'm trying so hard not to sound like I'm insulting your art. ;-;
Sooo, I'm still working on my animation meme, I've got 15 seconds of animation down, only 40 more to go :') *cri*
And I've also decided that I'll do a meet the artist type thing to celebrate 40 followers. If any of you have like, idk, questions are something let me know so I can answer them.
Do you have a youtube channel? If so- I need to subscribe n o w .
What’s your favorite song?
My question: How are you so good at art?
I've got 40 followers!! Yayyy!! Thank you guys so much!! It means a lot to me :'D
Should I do something to celebrate? Tell me what you guys think :D
> monrura Noice, I did one of those and it went well
You guys lol. I think I'll do a meet the artist or something idk
Bred! Wut did I say About rituals? Also congratulations monrura
Can we do a satanic ritual where I can finally be the sacrifice?? :00
Cursed things drawn on whiteboard. idk why but I ended up being rlly proud of Kim, i'm keeping him in my favorite drawings folder on my laptop.
Also congrats Lani!! I'm so happy for you, you deserve more tbh
-candace kicks down the door* mOM HOLY FUCK
I've been so inactive here lately, sorry about that :( i had a rough week but now I'm back :D
I'm working on an animation meme, it's going along good and I'm pretty proud so far. I also have some more drawings I want to share so ye, I'll post those soon.
I just made a small animation!!! It's my first time animating so it's really simple, but I like how it turned out. Here's the link to it: https://www.pixilart.com/monrura
> XxGrassy_AvocadoxX Thank you!!
I like it!
Shit- that's blocked too. Sorry D:
> jessie. Here you go! https://i.imgur.com/g64p0sT.gif
Wip for a drawing I'm working on. Would you guys be interested in seeing my drawing process or should I just stick to only posting finished stuff?
> GemHeart Ok!! I'll post some progress shots as I'm drawing ^^
Yes! I think it’d be cool for others to know :)
I just saw that I have 25 followers!! I'm so happy :D you guys are awesome 🎉🎉🎉
> ◅ Thank you!! <3
Congrats! You deserved them. :>
> monrura Thank yoooou :3
> GemHeart It's all thanks to you Gem, you helped me so much, I'm so happyyyy!!
For the collab, I gave her retro themed colors cause she reminded me of an 80s girl for some reason lol.
But with a white background
thank you!!
The line art for mouse's sketch ^^
ooo it’s cute
> monrura It's nice and simple
> nightmarefuel It's still mine haha, idk why I just like drawing with it
MS paint used to be my SHIT