Has more than 100 views!
Keep the moments together. ♥
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Thing you interested in
Everything of art. 🙆
Favorite color
Family of pink and pastel colour. 🌸
Things you always carry
Handkerchief. 🐼
Favorite artwork
Romessa. ✨
Favorite animation
We Bare Bears. 🐻
Favorite writer
Group Tarbiyah Sentap. ✨
What you eat when hungry
Donuts are alwayss my fav. 😂🍩
Future goals
Get my parents proud of me and into jannah in shaa Allah. 💖
Has more than 100 views!
Keep the moments together. ♥
Has more than 100 views!
Dear diary ; 💞
Has more than 50 views!
Keep the moments together. ♥
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Keep the moments together. ♥
Got a first like!
Dear diary ; 💞
Henna 🌸 left a comment!
Choose Her Face Expressions
Henna 🌸 left a comment!
Dear diary ; 💞
Henna 🌸 left a comment!
Keep the moments together. ♥