When curvy High-Schooler Marula and her older brother Saki inherited their Grandparents' Bakery following their retirement, the two are thrust into the world of delicious desserts and unfriendly competition from the trendy new cafe across the street. While Saki is a seasoned baker, Marula is more in...
When curvy High-Schooler Marula and her older brother Saki inherited their Grandparents' Bakery following their retirement, the two are thrust into the world of delicious desserts and unfriendly competition from the trendy new cafe across the street. While Saki is a seasoned baker, Marula is more interested in chasing after her crush- popular fellow student Lian Chou. Maru finds herself in hot water when her best friend- a clumbsy metal-mouthed geek named Marmalade inadvertantly shows Lian an unflattering photograph of her and sets forth a chain of terrible events that nearly ends their friendship, as well as Marmalade's life