The story takes place in the 1920s in a small town called Ventura, Brazil. Its economic growth depends on a local chocolate factory called “Bombom”, which is very famous for its chocolate. Ana Francisca is a beautiful young girl, but she is from a poor family. She lost her parents and moved to Ventu...
The story takes place in the 1920s in a small town called Ventura, Brazil. Its economic growth depends on a local chocolate factory called “Bombom”, which is very famous for its chocolate. Ana Francisca is a beautiful young girl, but she is from a poor family. She lost her parents and moved to Ventura to live with her other family members. Ana helps at home working as a janitor at the Chocolate Factory after school. There she meets Ludovico, the factory owner who pretends to be one of the workers at the factory. Ludovico returns to Ventura to investigate his greedy sister Jezebel, who lives like a queen after taking over the factory. Ana falls in love with Danilo, the town’s flirt who has dated almost every girl in town.However, his main love interest is the beautiful girl,Olga. Although he says he’ll never fall in love,will that possibly change after meeting Ana Francisca? Art by Story based on a Brazilian soap opera by Walcyr Carrasco