"ICEPOP" is a story based in a girls' high school. Within the school years, emotional interactions between individuals are often regarded as profoundly genuine. She likes her appearance, she likes her personality, and she likes the emotional value the other gives. While some may receive mutual affec...
"ICEPOP" is a story based in a girls' high school. Within the school years, emotional interactions between individuals are often regarded as profoundly genuine. She likes her appearance, she likes her personality, and she likes the emotional value the other gives. While some may receive mutual affection in return, this is not always the case. Nevertheless, each person involved in these emotions will ultimately discover their own answer.
1. Give back my student photo!
2. Don’t try to challenge her
3. Do you want me to keep your secret?
4. Leaking out
5. The mysterious little envelope
6. Don’t hide what’s in your heart
7. Takahashi-san is facing soul torture/give back my jacket!
8. Let her know
9. In the end, one person carried it all
10. Willful