In this sequel set a month after the events of 2020's Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic learns the ropes of living in the real world from the Wachowski family, while trying new things he could only do on Earth. Meanwhile, there is a group of talented roboticists and engineers who make efforts with the power...
In this sequel set a month after the events of 2020's Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic learns the ropes of living in the real world from the Wachowski family, while trying new things he could only do on Earth. Meanwhile, there is a group of talented roboticists and engineers who make efforts with the power of DIY to capture Sonic, no matter where he travels to, every chance they get, in order to fulfill Dr. Robotnik's incomplete task, despite all records of him having been scrubbed by the government. Thus, Sonic and Tom go on a quest to expose the ringleader of the supposed group known as "Disciples of Robotnik"...
Made to celebrate SEGA's 60th Anniversary, and to promote the possibilities of a SEGA Cinematic Universe, you're bound to be in for a wilder ride than you experienced within the hit film!