In the future, the world struggles with recovering its buried history and the ravages of a virus that has sprung from an unknown source. Guardians, those with special skills for not only fighting but also the arts, are tasked with protecting the artifacts and the people that are left.
In the future, the world struggles with recovering its buried history and the ravages of a virus that has sprung from an unknown source. Guardians, those with special skills for not only fighting but also the arts, are tasked with protecting the artifacts and the people that are left.
But who watches the guardians?
Military attaché from England Nathin Blackfriar has never considered himself to be a soldier. He doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. He finds himself in a heated situation when a local Sanctuary, where history is kept, falls under attack. Ash, the mysterious creatures that appeared in the wake of the virus, swarm the place. He and two guardians from the Ametsuchi Sanctuary in New Edo are called in to save whatever they can.
It's hard enough for Nat to be in the field, but these two guardians don't seem to get along at all...
In this modern retelling, Japanese fairytales weave together as the classic tale of Momotaro meets the Boy Who Drew Cats.