Branded as an outcast within human civilization, Taylian Izana learns that his condemnation is due to his parents and the sin they had committed, eventually leading to his father’s death and his mother’s banishment. After learning of the truth, he sets his heart towards finding his mother in the lan...
Branded as an outcast within human civilization, Taylian Izana learns that his condemnation is due to his parents and the sin they had committed, eventually leading to his father’s death and his mother’s banishment. After learning of the truth, he sets his heart towards finding his mother in the lands outside the land of the humans, and beyond the great mountain of Gamajora. However, beyond this great mountain lies the lands of the Primals, creatures that have been at war with humans since nearly the dawn of creation. Knowing he cannot survive on his own, Taylian seeks to join the Militia and fight against the Primals, while also seeking for his mother in the process. Only problem is… he has absolutely zero combat experience and training whatsoever, and often runs away from a fight whenever he can. So the question remains, how will Taylian achieve his goals? And what is he destined to find if he does?