The story revolves around the incidents before and during World War ll. Sakura is a 17 year old girl from Kumamoto. She learns of her father's impending death from tuberculosis and his last wish for her to continue the family tradition of being spy. He arranges for her to get married to the son of C...
The story revolves around the incidents before and during World War ll. Sakura is a 17 year old girl from Kumamoto. She learns of her father's impending death from tuberculosis and his last wish for her to continue the family tradition of being spy. He arranges for her to get married to the son of Chinese Army Lieutenant General. Sakura is trained by members of Japan's external intelligence agency in various spy skills. After the marriage and migration to China, Sakura quickly establishes the trust and confidence of her in-laws. She also falls in love with her husband Yang Soo Won. She starts relaying information. Eventually, she spots information about planning of some attack and passes it to Japan. Sakura is discovered as a spy but manages to escape, at the cost of Soo Won's death. She returns to Japan and discovers that she is pregnant with Soo Won's child. She says that she will raise the boy alone. I wrote this manga after getting inspired by 'Calling Sehmat' by Harinder Sikka.