Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"

1st Creators Gathering Original Illustration Contest Results | Contest - ART street by MediBang

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

We thank everyone for entering your amazing artwork.
Since we had a lot more entries than we expected, we added 2 extra awards, "Bronze Prize" and "Orbital2 award".

Grand Prize100,000 yen prize of money + Oribital2 (with case)



Comments from BRAIN MAGIC

The grand prize for the 1st Creators Gathering Original Illustration Contest goes to "color" by 春夏.

The colors and composition are clever. The artist is extremely good at showing us how epic the girl's art is.

All the winning artworks are amazing, and it was difficult to choose the grand prize. However, this artwork turned the concept "Enjoy drawing" into a extraordinary artwork.
So we decided to give the grand prize to "color!!".

Gold Prize20,000 yen prize of money + Orbital2

Comments from BRAIN MAGIC

The blue ocean, the sandy beach, the clouds that stretch across the sky...
Is the flower that gives the red accent color, a hibiscus?

A young boy is creating a beautiful summer environment.
The use of perspective to guide the eye to the young boy is very clever.
But then you notice the intravenous drip on his arm, which tells the true story.

The concept, composition, the individual details... everything is done with quality, and I wish I could give you more than a perfect score for this artwork.

Silver Prize10,000 yen prize of money + Oribital2


Comments from BRAIN MAGIC

I think every illustrator has wondered what it would be like if our characters came to life.
I was attracted by the way this artwork looks like it is from an important scene, and I can relate to the concept.

Each characters are very detailed. Also I am amazed at how this difficult composition is very balanced, and nothing feels off.

Bronze PrizeGift card: 5000 yen

Comments from BRAIN MAGIC

I think this artwork is full of things the artist loves.
That is the impression I got from looking at this.

This contest has a specific theme, so many entries had a similar concept.

However, this artwork has a unique atmosphere. The soft colors matches well with the concept.

Orbital2 awardOrbital2

Twitter entries




Comments from BRAIN MAGIC

The theme seems to be a girl that is dreaming.
The amount of objects is minimal, but the layout is very organized, and the artist is communicating the theme very well.

The layout and artwork looks fitting for a book cover.

Twitter Audience Prize30,000 yen prize of money + Oribital2

Comments from BRAIN MAGIC

The Twitter Audience Prize goes to "Shano Pirika" by Shano Pirika.

It's the expression you get when you finish your artwork.
The dirt on the cheeks is very cute.

When I see this artwork, I think "cuteness justifies everything!".