Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Kodansha Sirius & Light Novel Editorial Department Manga Award Results | Contest - MediBang!

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

〈Assigned Name Section〉
Outstanding Excellence Award

200,000 JPY + assignment of an editor for support making a work


Sirius Editing Team's Comments

The pictures are really good. The dynamic composition is also splendid work, too. The sense of space is really well drawn. I did get the impression you know your Japanese manga, but I also got the impression that the character designs were a little bit stiff. I definitely recommend looking into and researching illustration and design trends. I look forward to even further improvement.

〈Assigned Name Section〉
Kengo Matsumoto Award
(100,000 JPY + assignment of an editor for support making a work)

  • Sirius Editing Team's Comments

    Elaborately drawn armor, backgrounds, and muscles. This "realism" that's present in the holy swordsman Leo (that you can't even feel in the original) is intense. I think that if she really existed, she would look like this. And then we have Leo's bashful face at the end... I felt this emotional reaction that I guess was different from feeling "moe" but the impact was intense. Matsumoto-sensei also seemed to really like it. I want to see more characters from this "Female Knight" world of yours, Kiyoteru Tsuchiya.

〈Assigned Name Section〉
Excellence Award
(100,000 JPY + assignment of an editor for support making a work)

  • Sirius Editing Team's Comments

    Thank you for your application! The lady knight Leo being drawn as a "strong woman" has a good feel to it. I got really into the drawings of the decorations on the armor and such, it was cool. The overall level of your ability to draw manga is awe-inspiring. I think if you were to learn more about how things are 'shown' in Japanese manga, you could go on to become an even more entertaining writer.

〈Original Works Section〉
Original Work Award
(100,000 JPY + assignment of an editor for support making a work)

  • Author Jeff Stokely

    Sirius Editing Team's Comments

    The power of these drawings you have done crosses borders, or should I say, the world's atmosphere and appeal of your work conveys well. The battle scenes were composed concisely and were easy to read. On the other hand, there are also some parts I wanted to see more of. In the first panel of the second page, the feeling of the world isn't conveyed completely, and there's this small feeling of really wanting to be immersed in the world more from different angles. (laughs) Also, as "Monthly Shonen Sirius" is more oriented towards entertainment, and in lots of mediums the works being developed are made in that vein. To put it simply, rather than going for the artistic angle, it's more a business magazine geared towards otaku. As an editor, I would anticipate works made with the idea of serving these kinds of people more in mind. For example, they'd not only be wanting to see battle development scenes, but also appealing female characters as well.