Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Cover Art Contest

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

Guest Judge

Ron Chan

Ron Chan is a comic book and storyboard artist from Portland, OR.

In comics, he has worked for Dark Horse, Marvel, DC, and Image comics, and as a storyboard artist, he has drawn for video game cinematics, advertising, and user experience design.

Most recently, he is known for drawing the Plants vs Zombies comic for Dark Horse Comics.

The Top Ten selected artists will get feedback on their submission from Ron!

Bring Classic Stories to Life

You’ve read, or at least heard of classic stories like The Wizard of Oz, Sherlock Holmes, and Peter Pan.

Now you can have your art grace their covers.
We’re adding 50 classic stories to the novel section of

Choose a story you like, make a cover for it, and submit it.
Winners’ art will be placed on the cover of that ebook on

Check out the list of stories here

Contest Details

Entry Period September 3rd (Thu) 2015 - January 4th (Mon) 2016PST
To Enter

Follow these 3 steps to enter: 

  1. 1Next create a MediBang account(FREE) if you don’t already have one.
  2. 2Select a story you like, and draw a cover for it (don’t forget to add the Title and Author’s name).
  3. 3After that, click on the ‘Enter’ button at the bottom of this page.
    There you can select the title you want to submit a cover for.
    Drag and drop your art to the designated spot to submit your entry.
Qualifications None. Anyone can enter. Entrants can submit as many times as they like.
Peter Pan Beauty and the Beast Frankenstein Tarzan of the Apes
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Romeo and Juliet The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Invisible Man The Three Musketeers The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The Odyssey
Alice in Wonderland The Time Machine The Illiad The Jungle Book
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Lost World The Twelve Labours of Hercules Around the World in Eighty Days
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Grimm's Fairy Tales Oliver Twist A Christmas Carol
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth A Princess of Mars A Tale of Two Cities David Copperfield
Don Quixote Great Expectations Gulliver's Travels Jane Eyre
Macbeth Metamorphosis Moby Dick Ozma of Oz
Pride and Prejudice Robinson Crusoe The Count of Monte Cristo The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Island of Doctor Moreau The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood War and Peace The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Scarlet Pimpernel The Secret Garden The Swiss Family Robinson The Thousand and One Nights, Vol. I
The Velveteen Rabbit Treasure Island    
Submission Details
  1. File Formats:
    jpeg, png, and psd files will be accepted. (up to 30MB)
  2. Dimensions:
    2100px x 2800px
  3. Other Requirements:
    The title of the story, and the author’s name must be included on the submission.
Announcements Winners will be paid via Paypal after the contest winners are announced.
Prizes Gold: $1,000 (one winner)
Silver: $100 (9 winners)
Bronze: $75 (9 winners)