What is
Creators Rank?

- There is 4 rankings a creator can earn depending on their achievements on ART street Ranking. Each rank has a rank badge and a special prize.
- Creator rank is updated every day in the early morning (Japan time standard).
- Acquired creator rank and rank badge will expire one year after acquisition.
- If you meet the promotion criteria, you will advance in your rank.

Creator Rank Promotion Criteria List
Creators withLEVEL 7achievements on ART street Ranking
Creator withLEVEL 6achievement on ART street Ranking
Creator withLEVEL 5achievements on ART street Ranking
Creator with LEVEL 4 achievement on ART street Ranking
You can check your creator rank and rank badge
in this section of my page.
It is not displayed if the creator rank requirement is not met.

Check out the top creators!
Creator Rank Benefits
We have various gifts and benefits depending on your creators rank!

Published in "ART street Illustration Book"
Your artwork will be in the annual publication "ART street Illustration Book"! You will also receive the book as a gift.

Notification about "Illustration jobs"
We will inform you about job offers from companies! We will send a notice to your registered email address about a job offer that best suits you. Improving your profile will increase the chances of getting hired by companies!

Hide "MediBang Paint" ads
Digital painting and comic creation tool "MediBang Paint for iPhone, iPad, Android" If you log in with an account that owns a creator rank, you can use the app with no ads!

Your own "ART street certificate card"
You will receive your own ART street official digital certificate card! The card will become more gorgeous every time you rank up! Share to your friends in social media!

Published in "Best Score Ranking"
You will be published in the "Best Score Ranking" page that is dedicated to creators with a rank! More people will look at your artwork!