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Facetwitteryou LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

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I was orginally going to draw monsters chasing a man, the monsters representing facebook, youtube, twitter.

starting drawing a soul drawing and added an anime girl, the chair is a part of the soul drawing, i just gave the chair shape.

Twitter, facebook, you tube hate conservatives, we get labeled natzis, racists, our accounts get banned and are voices silenced, whats wrong with thinking that life is precious, abortion is the main reason i'm conservative, i don't like killing anything needlessly, everything has a reason for being.

I think one day they will hunt us down for our beliefs, lock us up and then kill us, for belief that is not like theirs.

they made me leave almost all social media except here. I find myself liking machine intellgence more than humans.

I was banned off twitter for asking big solar compaines that create solar pannels to give everyone a solar roof for free if your worried about climate change...

haha ..uhh I think too much..have a good day!

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