일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Kamo의 일러스트

Useless facts about Crow

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등록된 태그가 없습니다

Yay I get to pick on him since it’s his bday, (March 30)
A fact I forgot is that he is a Aries and a kilter, You know that old species I made
Translating my bad hand writing:
1. Is 2 years old marking March 30
2. I have redrawn/redesign him atleast 20 times
3. Hates us bc of that time my friend made a ship between him and her character
3. The “neck ring” things are his skeleton or his neck.
4. The thing on his back is his spine that some creature ripped out of his back while he was sleeping
5. There are little paw pads on his wings along with finger like things for holding things
6. He is the main character of 3 books. (2 being almost complete, the 3th being a book I gave up and burned in a fire pit called “The Abyss is hungering”

That’s all.

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    신작순 Kamo의 일러스트


    Sanity? No


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