Goodbye for now
5 months ago
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I know you guys are like “oh CA your doing this agian?” And yes I know I’ve done this a billion times where I say I’m temporarily leaving or something along those lines but come back a few months later but this is a lot more different. I’ve been losing interest in art mainly focusing on my musical career paths then well my art path and that I very much am not as passionate as I was for art a 1-2 years ago now . Also because medibang is just cooked man, only way I can describe it. I barley see anyone on here anymore the like and comments ratio has dropped down like crazy and really everyone moved on with their lives. I will probably be making update posts maybe maybe not but for now I’ll probably be leaving the sight for maybe a few months maybe a year? But I final thing is that thanks to everyone that supported me or ever really just kept up in my art journey or I was ever friends with so to end this all of