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Latest アイン (Ai-chan)’s art

Redrain Hecaville

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7 years ago

  • 2ndMCPOillustration

黒い玉座の本/Book of the black throne is my first comic/漫画
Redrain Hecaville is a royal vampire from Trylivania and her noble butler name Mikhael Selestial.

Edra (nickname for redrain ) meet Mikha (Mikhael) when she was 12 years old.She is the next heir for the next Queen for all vampires that live in the kingdom.Mikha only 9 years old meet her.

Too all vampires,human just their food.But humans want to survive so they make agreement that they exchange their blood for countinue their life and living with peacefull without wars.

Redrain and Mikhael are next Queen and King for Trylivinia Kingdom..but something happened when Mikhael betraye Redrain trust when Mikhael age turns 18 years old and Redrain age at 20 years old.
To active the throne and to save their kingdom,only the true heir can save the vampire world.

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