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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

I'm only gonna post them because I'm ANGRY.
YEAH, you hEard me---
Okay I'll explain lol...
I'm just getting REALLY SICK AND TIRED of all of these original species with UNNECESSARY RULES. IT'S JUST A DRAWING, PLEASE CALM YOUR F ACE. So yeah, mine won't have many (if ANY, LOL) rules because 1, I can't enforce these rules (kindles broke lol), and 2, I just HATE SPECIES RULES, like, call me selfish for it but OH MY GOD I can't stand it when people say "ur only allowed to own one" um no it's literally just colored pixels bitch I do what I want, or "I'LL TAKE AWAY UR (INSERT SPECIES NAME HERE) IF U BREAK MY UNNECESSARY RULES" YOU CAN'T DO THAT IT'S JUST A FANCY CONCEPT, AND IT WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT. STOP ACTING LIKE YOU OWN THE UNIVERSE.
Oh and the ever present "nO NSFW oR ELSe!!!1!!!" Rule that plagues humanity.
I'm not even gonna explain why it's dumb.
If you have a brain you know why.
Conclusion: it's not really an open species if you're closed-minded.

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