Charlotte lives in a world where there exists people who are hybrids, sometimes between plants or machines, but mostly between animals and humans. Many of these hybrids have ‘abilities,’ for example, someone who is a mix with a cat might have better eyesight in the dark. There are often downsides to it as well, and there are a lot of people who frown upon people like that, so a lot of them hide away or try to hide any physical abnormalities. She was named after a popular novel. She has to wear glasses because of her poor eyesight, and she wears her hair mostly down, to cover her abnormal eyes, with a fringe that is naturally black.when she is out in public, she wears contact lense, but when she is alone she wears her glasses and she ties her fringe up.
I don’t know whether I’m going to actually do anything with her character but I had to write something on her cause I already had it in my head so idk