일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트

Nightclub (deeeescription) LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 4


  • 그림

  • digital

  • red

  • monster

  • Adopt

  • Neon

  • Hope299GAMES

  • CandyCornBoi

Thanks CandyCornBoi!
Sorry the drawing took so long I tried no joke 7 times to draw them and it just didn't work until now.
I imagine this guy is like, a he/they gluttony monster who spent some time living in hell for a bit (that may or may not be how he lost is one arm which you can't tell it's gone in this image-) but now lives in the overworld as a more chilled out fashion designer. May or may not work for a certain company with products often purchased by a certain character-why am I being vague this mf works at the fashion company Nick likes and often wears.
Now, more chilled out doesn't mean fully chill, still gluttony monster so he's constantly just wanting more stuff and titles and eats literally every snack at every party and club they go to.
I think that it for now. I thought gluttony monster was a good species cus the teeth and tongues.
Like my alien this guy got no name, any suggestions are appreciated :)

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    신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트




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