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My 2 Lovely Uncles

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • tears

  • song

  • Supermega

  • SuperMega

  • nathan

  • mattwatson

  • mytwolovelyuncles

  • my2lovelyuncles

Yeah its 3AM and I am being kept awake with the fact that I chugged a large drink of caffine.

If you don't know what this is, it's a drawing of the character played by Matt Wattson from Supermega, Nathan, singing about the song we all know and love, My Two Lovely Uncles. I wanted to expand my taste in music a bit and uh, lets just say after I binge-listened to NSP I had a streak of finding comedy songs like this and I love it.

My music is sort of limited to the people I know from Game Grumps since that has been my recent obsession, but I hadn't liked comedy music as much before. I do prefer Dan's cover albums but I really love some of his songs like Danny Don't You Know, I Don't Know What We're Talking About, Why I Cry, Cool Patrol, etc. but yeah.

Comedy music is fun.

I love this song, go check it out. It's very sad so prepare the tissues. Thank me later.

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