일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 BlackVoid의 일러스트

Michelle and kit the cat

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  • January2021_Contest:OC

These two character are from my new world called soul drawing, i think?

Michelle is a bit of a tomboy and knows of DAA from her grandma that used to read tea leaves for her when she was small and her grandmas predictions in the Tea Leaves lead Michelle to Kit the Cat as a kitten, kit was trapped in a old well on an adbandon farm which Michelle resuced Kit from, Kit is no ordinary cat and has learned to paint by Michelle with his paw and these paintings have extrodinary connection to soul drawing and his ability has opened Michelles eyes. Kit sometimes leaves a trail of right paw prints if Michelle forgets to wash off kits paw after painting and was thinking of making a little sock for kit so he can paint without getting his paw dirty.

Michelle is dipicted here making a face at DAA to make DAA happy and to avoid the tricks DAA will play if Ignored. Kit can see DAA as plain as day and can actully talk to DAA which Michelle can't but Loves DAA.

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    신작순 BlackVoid의 일러스트




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