May I sit with you? [With desc]
-I thought you would like company, you've been a little down during training
-Oh, it's nothing...I was just...remembering...
-yes. I miss hearing her complain about how careless I am for sticking my head in places where I should not, or that I should not swim when it's raining, or pursue adult iguanas...I miss her.
-You're not the only one, I remember the days when I had to keep an eye on the three of you, they always found a way to escape from motherhood
-Would you like to go hunting some turtledoves with me? want me to accompany you?
-Of course, it would be fun, also I do not think that flamepaw would have liked to see you so sad know what? you're right. I will go with you. but first let me go for my prey I'm very hungry and a cat can not hunt with an empty belly
-Even though we will eat it?
A small interaction between silverpaw and shadowpaw (It have passed around two moons since the death of Flamepaw)