Penumbra noble (Male) A
4 years ago
Penumbra nobles have both privileges and responsibilities gentry, labourers and prevailing people do not. Elitism is traditionally shunned as each of high standing is expected to be eldest kin to those without the wealth and influence of birthright. Some participation with society in way of employ, service or social engagement in way of festives, balls or artes. Unless one is ostracized in some rare instance, all participate.
Male nobles carry much weight and influence, particularly the older. The long years of Penumbra are looked at as a gift and respected, and with this wisdom and leadership is expected of them to lead forward their people. Male nobles are educated in the practical artes and extensively in magik. Those that show particular talent in harnessing the abyss can become apprentice to head scholars of magiks. Overall, their destined course is keeping the foundations of Kolonia standing and the cogs of society turning.
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