Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest frogdropha’s art

human trafficking project

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7 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • project

  • poster

  • flier

  • slavery

Hi! Hello! I'm not dead!
I'm sorry, the quarter is ending next week and oh boy, THE WORK IS COMING 😩
So I had to make a flier and um here it is (im sorry i aint one to draw bruises or cuts)
My partner and I decided to pass it out on March 14 (no not pi day lol) because it is My Freedom Day, a day where students spread the word about today's slavery and ways to stop it
So not only are we speading it at our school we also decided to put it online and like Medibang is the only place where I post stuff so that pretty much sums up everything heh

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