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Blue Hunter unknown marine life LEVEL 1

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2 years ago

  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest

  • BLUEHUNTER-Undiscovered_MarineLifeCategory

  • animal

  • fish

  • sea

Name of marine life: Monsturm
Difficulty to capture (1-5): 3
Habitat: Can be found in coral reefs.
Diet: Smaller fish and algae
Body length: 28 inches
Species: Horseshow crab
Degree of endangerment (1-5): 2
Characteristics: The monsturm is a species of horseshow crab with seaweed like antennas growing on top of it. They use the seaweed to hide under the sand when predators come to try to eat them. The "seaweed" can be taken off but it can regrow back after 2 weeks.
It is also said that if you make eye contact with one, your luck will decrease, since of how hideous it looks.

(I am also the first one to submit to the event so yay!)

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