일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 The Jewelstone Queen의 일러스트

: P

즐겨찾기 4


  • cute

  • the

  • 자캐

  • queen

  • faces

  • expressions

  • theJewelstonequeen

  • jewelstone

She looks a bit too purple for me... ah well.

LOL, so her design is a bit different. That red spine thing she had on her head has just turned into this... spot of white fur. And lots of people draw her with a nose, she ain't got one. It's ok though. I don't mind it, but she just doesn't have a nose. Don't know why. Cartoon logic at its finest.

Also thanks for the support for these past few years. It's incrediable how I've grown in my art skill, I might still struggle at times, but I'm better than before i tinks. (I'm mostly talking to Midnight and blackkitty since they are the only ones who comment and stuff, I'll be sure to do something special for you two! *hint hint*

Wasn't planning on this desc. to be long. bye!!

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    신작순 The Jewelstone Queen의 일러스트


    The Jewelstone Queen


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