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Wacom Intuos Graphics Drawing Tablet LEVEL 1

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3 years ago

  • giftyouwant2021

  • giftyouwant2021:30000JPYGift

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Dear Santa Medibang,

The gift that I really want and need this Christmas is a brand-new Wacom Intuos drawing tablet. My current drawing tablet is already old and its software already outdated. It's already on the verge of giving up. Despite that, I’m very proud of my old tablet. It’s the reason why my art reached level 2 today. So, I think it deserves a glorious retirement. (I’m planning to put it in a glass cabinet hall of fame. Hehe)

I would greatly appreciate it if you could gift me a brand-new drawing tablet. Think of it, with my old drawing tablet my art was able to reach level 2 in ranking; with a brand-new drawing tablet, who knows how far I’ll go? Perhaps, I can get to level 7 in the rankings. (*ahem* wishful thinking *ahem*) 😁

I hope you can grant me my wish. Thank you so much, Santa Medibang!


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